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Looking and Feeling New Jerseylicious!

Hello, Funny One back. The stuff I had for the funny newspaper, some of it I’m pretty happy with, but I’m still needing to work some more on the other two. I’ve also got a back up one I’m working on too, just in case. Today wasn’t so good but I hope tomorrow will be better. Anyways, today’s picture is New Jersey. I drew myself wearing Giorgio Armani! I was looking at Vogue today and I thought it looked cool. I saw that Betty Boop is advertising Lancome make up so I thought, why not me, too?  I’m wearing Lancome Hypnose Doll Eyes mascara in “So Black”, Lancome Crayon Khol in Black, MAC lipstick in “Girl about Town”, MAC powder blush in “Dollymix” and MAC eyeshadow in “Knight Divine”. Anyways, I’m in an old fire engine. I think that it’s at the Museum of Transportation. What’s better than having a fire fighter who wears Armani? Ok, not very practical, I know. What else is there to do in New Jersey? There’s a comedy club called The Comedy Stop, and The House of Blues which is a chain of 13 music concert halls and restaurants. Dan Aykyroyd and many others originally financed The House of Blues. The original location has closed, though. Also in New Jersey, there is the Old Barracks museum. In 1758 it was used to house soldiers in the French and Indian war. There was about 300 there at a time. Great if you love to learn about wars and battles. Also, there is the Liberty State Park. Anyways, I’d better leave it there for now.


About funnyone2012

The funny one in a funny situation... Every day I'll be putting up funny pictures, funny articles and funny things.

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