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Illinois – The Super(hero) State!

Hello, It’s me, the Funny One. I went to the cinema today with my mum and my sister.  We saw “The Amazing Spiderman.” The trailers were awful. Brave looks shit. It’s just propaganda from Alex Salmond about Scotland. He only cares if tourists come over here, he doesn’t care about the people who actually live here. Anyway, back to Spiderman. I liked the movie. Andrew Garfield was good as Spiderman. He was also funny! He was breaking almost everything that he touched. After the movie, I bought some Spiderman pens and some Spiderman bubblebath!

Ok, the state I chose today is Illinois – apparently it’s the home of Superman.


About funnyone2012

The funny one in a funny situation... Every day I'll be putting up funny pictures, funny articles and funny things.

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