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The Days Never End on Mercury

Hello, It’s the Funny One. As I’ve finished doing the glourious 50 states of America, I thought I’d do something different. I thought I’d go out of this world and draw the planets. The picture is of me on Mercury. It’s like a cartoon picture as anything is possible in cartoons.

What do we know about Mercury? Well, Mercury and Venus can each make appearances in Earth’s sky both as a morning star and an evening star because they are closer to the sun than the Earth. At times, Mercury can technically be regarded as a very bright object when viewed from Earth; but its proximity in the sky to the Sun makes it more difficult to see than Venus. Did you know that the sun appears 2 and a half times larger in Mercury’s sky compared to the Earth’s? Mercury has almost no atmosphere. It has a very small amount of it and it consists of minute quantities of Hydrogen, Oxygen, Sodium, Potassium and argon. A day on Mercury is equivalent to 176 Earth Days. Now that’s a long day! Even though Mercury is the closest planet to the sun, it’s not the warmest. (That’s Venus!) Mercury can actually be one of the coldest planets in the solar system. Mercury orbits around the sun in a wild non-circular orbit that takes it as close as 47 million km and as far as 70 million km from the Sun. Mercury was named after the Roman mythological messenger god. In Roman mythology, he was the god of commerce and rhetoric, who also acted as a messenger between humans and gods. His symbol is the caduceus which is a winged staff entwined with two serpents. Mercury is one of four terrestrial planets in the solar system, and has a rocky form like the Earth. It’s surface resembles the moon’s. The largest known crater is the Caloris Basin and it’s diameter is 1,550 km.


About funnyone2012

The funny one in a funny situation... Every day I'll be putting up funny pictures, funny articles and funny things.

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