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Movie Review – That’s My Boy

Hello It’s the Funny One here. Today I went to the cinema to see the movie “That’s My Boy”. It’s about a young boy, Donny who has sex with his teacher, she ends up getting pregnant then sent to jail. Adam Sandler plays Donny when he’s older and Andy Samberg plays his son, Han Solo. But as he grows up he changes his name to Todd. Normally I wouldn’t see a movie like this but Andy Samberg is in it. He’s so funny. I laughed at all his scenes. He has such great screen presence, you just want to look at him when he’s on-screen. He was obviously the best in the movie. Adam Sandler wasn’t too bad. I didn’t like Leighton Meester. She was bad in it, also I didn’t like her character, Jamie. She was a bitch to Todd.

The picture I’ve drawn is of a scene in the movie. Todd is in the shower and he’s wearing shorts. That’s when Donny walks in and wants a tickle fight. Han Solo has got a funny tattoo of new kids on the block on his back. The best scenes are all Andy’s ones. I would give this movie 3 stars. If Andy Samberg wasn’t in it I would give it no stars.


About funnyone2012

The funny one in a funny situation... Every day I'll be putting up funny pictures, funny articles and funny things.

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