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Twilight Breaking Dawn in 100 Words

Hello Funny One here. As the new Twilight movie is out soon I thought I would write the story in 100 words. No, I didn’t read it I just googled it. Anyways, Here’s the breaking dawn in 100 words.

Edward and Bella marry, have sex, she gets pregnant. The baby’s a mutant, Edward worries it will kill Bella and wants her to abort it. He gives Jacob permission to fuck his wife so she can get pregnant. Jacob is very tempted by this offer, he can fuck Bella. She keeps the baby Renesmee and almost dies giving birth. She is bitten and turns into a vampire. The Volturi want to kill the baby as it’s illegal to have a baby vampire, Bella uses a love shield to protect everyone. Because Jacob can’t fuck Bella then he’ll fuck Renesmee instead.

I’m not saying a word. I’ll just leave it here.

About funnyone2012

The funny one in a funny situation... Every day I'll be putting up funny pictures, funny articles and funny things.

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