Light at the end of the tunnel

Hello Funny One here. I looks up on the internet on how to become a member of the SNL cast. This is an answer from the NBC website “Many people have written to this website asking for an audition. It is not that simple, and never has been. Speaking historically, when someone is at the stage where they audition for SNL, they are already accomplished performers. By the time someone makes it to the stage at Second City or the Groundlings or the UCB or ImprovOlympic, or becomes a good standup, they’ve had years of training. That’s why we look in those places. All of those sketch comedy groups have classes, and from those classes you develop teams, and progress to joining casts of shows. It takes years, and it’s hard and often frustrating. The route is similar in standup comedy, where you keep trying out at clubs until you perfect your act. And when you go as far as you can in those worlds, you’re ready to start the whole process over again at Saturday Night Live.” So it looks like I’m fucked. I’m a bit like Rupert Pupkin. I just really want to be a comedian.  I’ll have to work at a comedy club first but how can I get into America. I would need to get a job, but I can’t get on SNL. I didn’t think you needed experience to be a comedian. I’m not sure of what to do now but I don’t want to give up. Hopefully there will be some light at the end of the tunnel.