James Bond Exclusive

Hello Funny One here with another exclusive. George at Asda will have a limited edition James Bond Suit. The suit is stainless. Sweat actually cleans this suit. It’s the perfect suit for the ultimate spy.  The suit is £50. A steal, right? Don’t forget to see the movie. Skyfall is in cinemas now.

Northern Song (Feelin’ The Blues)

Hello, Funny One here. Was out today shopping for food with my family. I bought Vogue magazine. I didn’t know that Gary Oldman was in it! When I have time, I’ll read the article. When I came back from Asda, I drew the North Dakota picture. I don’t think it’s that good. To be honest, I think it’s my worst. Did I finish the funny stuff for the newspaper? No. Another day that I have been lazy. I’ll do something tomorrow.
