You Tranny Be funny

Hello Funny One here with some funny pictures of transvestites. The first one is of Justin Bieber. Today is her period and she is wearing extra absorbent sanitary pads. She didn’t want anyone to know. Well it’s not that obvious is it. Hehehehehe!

And the second picture is of Adela Hernandez, 48, who is from Cuba. Hernandez, a Cuban man who has dressed up as a female since childhood. He  served two years in prison in the 1980s for “dangerousness” after her own family denounced her sexuality. This month she made history by becoming the first known transgender person to hold public office in Cuba, winning election as a delegate to the municipal government of Caibarien in the central province of Villa Clara. There was a ban of pink clothing at the public office, and that has now been lifted. Now Adela can be let in.