Movie Review – Intouchables

Hello Funny One here. Today I went to the cinema with my mom and sister to see the movie “Intouchables” It’s a french movie  directed by Olivier Nakache and Éric Toledano. It’s the second biggest box office hit in France, just behind the 2008 film Welcome to the sticks. Philippe, a wealthy quadriplegic man living in a mansion in Paris, requires a live-in carer. Driss, a young and poor man from the ghettos turns up for an interview, but  isn’t really looking to get the job. However, to his surprise, he gets the job. The two men then develop a close friendship. Ther movie is very funny.  There are so many funny scenes like when Driss is dancing at the birthday party, they go to see an opera and Driss laughs because a man is dressed up like a tree and was singing in german. I would give this movie 5 stars.
