Funny One’s Back!

Hello Funny One here. I’ve had a slight glitch with my blog, but it’s all sorted now and I’m back! Hurrah! What did I do on my two days off? Set up a Funny One website, eat some chocolate easter eggs, make cotton candy, some whittling, do some more rewriting, build a pyramid out of sugar cubes, dress up as a clown, bake some cup cakes and dance.

funnyone - funny one's days off

#104 Funny One And The Chocolate Factory Part 4
funnyone - funny one and the chocolate factory part 4

This Must Be The Problem…

Hello the Funny One has returned.


My computer wasn’t working so I wasn’t getting any internet access. The broadband wireless router broke down so we had to get a replacement.


I’ve started writing an article for an inflight magazine and I drew this cool “Wild Target” picture. That’s me in the movie poster!


Sill writing.


Me and my sister went to the cinema to see the movie “Expendables 2” It was brilliant. I have to see it again! In the evening, we watched the movie, “This Must Be The Place”.


We went to see “Diary of a Wimpy Kid – Dog Days” at the cinema again. It’s so funny!


The internet is back on! Hurrah!


As we are getting movies sent from LoveFilm and the internet wasn’t working, we couldn’t previously check to see what movie we were getting. Well now we can check and we got “This Must Be The Place” sent out again. The first one was the DVD, but now we are getting the Blu-Ray. We watched the movie twice in a week!!!