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Ice Cream for Texas! Yeeha!

Hello, Funny One back again. Didn’t do much today. I thought I would just relax, but I did draw another picture and read up about Texas. What are the interesting things to do there? There’s the Space Center in Houston. There is a Level 9 tour where you can see where the astronauts “hang out.” Cool! The level 9 tour is from Monday to Friday and you get a FREE HOT LUNCH!!!! Awesome! Only 12 Level 9 admissions are available each day! I looked at the menu and it looks good. Mmmmmm signature cosmic pie. There is also the Space Center theater, a Blast off theater and more cool things. I would go right now if I could. The website is

I also discovered that in Texas they have the Houston Hotsauce Festival. I don’t think I could do that. The Mystery Cafe, that’s where you get dinner theater. It’s “where murder is always on the menu.” Sounds interesting.

They also have the rodeos. If I tried to do that I would be like in the picture and fall off the horse. Oh, but my favourite thing I read about today is the Ice Cream Festival. Mmmmm ice cream. There’s the ice cream making contest. I love making ice cream, so I could do that. They also have a Popsicle Sculpture Contest. Sounds cool! Oh, not forgetting, the ice cream eating contest. It costs $10 to enter it. I could do that. I wouldn’t care about winning, I would just want to get as much ice cream as I could. Mmmmmm ice cream.

For the people who live in Britain, I found out if you go on the McCain’s website you can get coupons. click on McCain products and it should come up.  You get 50p off their products. Not bad. the website is Mmmmm French fries.

Oh, I watched the movie Space Cowboys. It’s a good movie. Tommy Lee Jones was good in it. Anyways, I’ll leave it there for now.Image

About funnyone2012

The funny one in a funny situation... Every day I'll be putting up funny pictures, funny articles and funny things.

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