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Shia LaBeouf Exclusive New Fragrance

Hello Funny One here again.Yeah, just a little, short, itty-bitty blurb.  I would love to a longer one, but I’m working on a really big, huge, enormous story. But I do have a Shia LaBeouf exclusive. He’s to have a fragrance out for christmas. Fancy a bit of bum cum? I meant bum chum. When you’re typing too fast you make mistakes. I hate that. Anyways, You bet your ass this is class. It’s the first fragrance that is peach colored and goes on clear. The fragrance smells like naked flesh, sweat and a lil hint of shite. (Also he calls his penis “little jimmy dickens”)

About funnyone2012

The funny one in a funny situation... Every day I'll be putting up funny pictures, funny articles and funny things.

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