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Movie Review – Celeste And Jesse Forever

Hello Funny One here. Yesterday I went to the cinema to see the movie “Celeste And Jesse Forever”. It’s a great movie. There are some funny moments but it’s not really a comedy. It’s about a married couple Jesse and Celeste, who are going through a divorce but are trying to remain friends while openly pursuing new relationships. Rashida Jones wrote and stars in it. She did a good performance in it. She looked funny when she was dressed up like a cat lady. Elijah Wood is funny trying to be her gay best friend. Andy Samberg was amazing in it. He’s a really talented actor. I’m not used to seeing him be serious. He is great though. I loved when Jesse was trying to buy an IKEA dresser. He couldn’t do it. That was so funny. I give this movie 5 stars. It’s a shame they didn’t show it long at the cinemas. I didn’t really know why they were getting divorced though. I thought that was crazy. I wouldn’t divorce an awesome man. Anyways, that’s just me. The movie was great. Can’t wait for it to be released on DVD.


funnyone - celeste and jesse forever

About funnyone2012

The funny one in a funny situation... Every day I'll be putting up funny pictures, funny articles and funny things.

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