Cartoon 100

Hello Funny One here. I’ve drawn my 100th cartoon now. I hope they all haven’t been boring. Well before you see the new one, you can see the top 10. For the last three there are in joint place. I know, there are lots of them. Better make yourself a cup of tea. Well anyways, hope you like them.

funnyone - canadian affair part 7

funnyone - canadian affair part 6

funnyone - canadian affair part 4



funnyone - a dingo stole the funny one part 2

funnyone - a dingo stole the funny one

funnyone - time to travel part 4

funnyone - titanic - ship of dreams part 20

funnyone - titanic - ship of dreams part 19

funnyone - titanic - ship of dreams part 18

funnyone - the wish fish part 2

funnyone - i'm on a boat part 24

funnyone - i'm on a boat part 23

funnyone - i'm on a boat part 16

15/” rel=”attachment wp-att-2795″>funnyone - i'm on a boat part 15

funnyone - i'm on a boat part 11

funnyone - funny on a ledge part 2



funnyone - titanic- ship of dreams part 14

funnyone - i'm on a boat part 25

funnyone - i'm on a boat part 22

funnyone - i'm on a boat part 18

funnyone - just write part 3

funnyone - funny poppins

funnyone - i'm on a boat part 9

funnyone - time to travel part 6

funnyone - time to travel part 2





Here is the last part of the Ship Of Dreams. Hope you like it.

#100 Titanic – Ship Of Dreams Part 24
funnyone - titanic - ship of dreams part 24

Titanic – Ship Of Dreams Part 25
funnyone - titanic - ship of dreams part 25

I’ll finish here for now.

Funny Gold

Hello Funny One here. today is part 3. Enjoy!

#58 Canadian Affair Part 3


Dudley do-Right has given Snidely Whiplash some gold but it’s the wrong gold. He wanted real gold but Dudley just gave him gold things. A gold medallion, gold thong, some gold coins, a gold candlestick holder and the steps gold greatest hits album. what will happen next? Find out tomorrow. I’ll finish here for tonight.


Hello Funny One here. Lassie felt up kids. Pal the male dog who played the bitch lassie in “Lassie come home” is at the center of sexual assault claims. For legal reasons we can’t use their names. An old woman claims he touched her up as a child, “he put his paw on me. It lingered there for too long. At the time I didn’t think anything of it but when I think back to it he was lusting after me. the way he looked at me with his tongue hanging out. It wasnt natural.” An old man also claims to be the victim of the sex fiend. “He sniffed and liked my wiener. He wanted to have sex with me.” An investigation is going on and many more people are coming forward to accuse the dog, they’ll also get the big compensation money.

Brad Pitt is advertising  the Chanel No5 perfume. In the advert he does a monologue. I don’t get it. Why a man advertising a womans perfume. From Marilyn Monroe, Nicole Kidman and Audrey Tautou to Brad Pitt. I thought Chanel would have made a better choice, no offence. I think that Angelina Jolie would have been a better choice. She’s glamorous and a talented actress.