Canadian Affair Finale

Hello Funny One here with the last part to Canadian Affair. I hope you like it.

#62 Canadian Affair Part 7

funnyone - canadian affair part 7

Can Dudley Do-Right Save The Funny One?

Hello Funny One here with another funny one cartoon. It’s part 6, Enjoy.

#61 Canadian Affair Part 6

funnyone - canadian affair part 6

The last part will be tomorrow. I’ll finish here for now.

Funny One On The Wrong Track

Hello Funny One here with part 5 of Canadian Affair. I hope you like it. Also it’s my birthday, the 21st January. I bet nobody can guess how old I am. Hehehehe. Anyways, here’s my cartoon. Enjoy!

#60 Canadian Affair Part 5

funnyone - canadian affair part 5

I’ve been tied to the railway tracks. Can Dudley Do-Right rescue me in time? To find out comeback tomorrow.

Dudley Do-Right A Steps Fan?

Hello Funny One here with part 4 of Canadian Affair. Enjoy!

#59 Canadian Affair Part 4

funnyone - canadian affair part 4

Snidely Whiplash wanted the gold from the gold rush, instead Dudley Do-Right gave him gold things he owns. He used the gold to buy steps memorabilia. he is then hit over the head and is unconscious. A mother is with her son, she thinks he’s a drunk. What will happen next? Where is the Funny One? Why Do I need to explain the cartoon just below it? Not sure? To get a higher word count? Anyways, to find out what will happen next, come back tomorrow.

Funny Gold

Hello Funny One here. today is part 3. Enjoy!

#58 Canadian Affair Part 3


Dudley do-Right has given Snidely Whiplash some gold but it’s the wrong gold. He wanted real gold but Dudley just gave him gold things. A gold medallion, gold thong, some gold coins, a gold candlestick holder and the steps gold greatest hits album. what will happen next? Find out tomorrow. I’ll finish here for tonight.

Funny One In Canada

Hello Funny One here with the second part to Canadian Affair. I hope you like it.

#57 Canadian Affair Part 2

funnyone - canadian affair part 2

Snidely Whiplash has kidnapped me. Where am I? Can Dudley Do Right save me? How many more parts are there to this story? Find out tomorrow or another day.
Anyways, I’ll finish here for now.

Canadian Affair

Hello Funny One here. Today I’ve decided to visit Canada in the funny one cartoon. It’s part 1, enjoy!

#56 Canadian Affair Part 1


In the cartoon I’ve been given a free holiday to Canada. Great! Who wouldn’t want a free holiday? Dudley Do-Right was supposed to meet me and take me to the surprise party. He forgot. Snidely Whiplash met with me instead. Where will he take me? To find out, come back tomorrow. I’ll finish here for now.