Cuckoo: 3. Ken on E

Hello Funny One here. I watched Cuckoo last night, it was so funny. Ken is over the moon when he is picked to become a local councillor. Cuckoo is full of advice, as politics is his specialist subject, after all. Cuckoo looked so funny in Kens suit pants. There were so big on him. Ken and Cuckoo bond. Ken takes his painkiller for his back pain but Dillon gave him drugs instead. Cuckoo takes some of them and they have a wild night. Cuckoo gives Ken a massage . Cuckoo has magic hands. I wouldn’t say no to a massage from Cuckoo. Later they are dancing to music. I love Cuckoos dancing. They go online and buy concert tickets and a drum kit. Lorna and Rachel go to Connie’s for the evening. Rachel’s ex, Zeb is also there. Ken and Cuckoo go driving in the potato van.  They go to the party that Dillon is at. It’s cringy when Zeb sings to Rachel. He’s disgusting! Why would anyone pick him over Cuckoo? After hearing him singing she has to leave. Who wouldn’t leave? It’s so funny when Ken falls through a glass table and then he gets up and cheers. It was also funny when he vomits all over Nina. I can’t wait for the next episode.

I e-mailed NBC  to ask them for information about how I can audition for SNL. I would so love to be on SNL. That would be so cool! Anyways i’ll leave it here for now.