Dr Lewinn

Hello Funny One here with a celebrity exclusive. Devon Bostick from the Wimpy Kid series is to advertise the Dr Lewinn range. They saw Devon in the movies and thought him the perfect person to be in the ads. He has the right image for them. He’s been offered 1 million dollars. Of course he accepted. Who wouldn’t. Devon’s response was. Of course I’ll do it. 1 million dollars and free samples. When they first offered me the million I said I would think about it. Then the offered the free samples, that’s when I said yes. I’d be mad not to. Devon’s ads will be shown this summer.

funnyone - dr lewin

#84 Titanic – Ship Of Dreams Part 7

funnyone - titanic - ship of dreams part 7

I typed out the bolg and I accidently deleted it all and had to start all again. That’s so annoying. Well anyways, I’ll finish here for now.

Just Funny

Hello Funny One here. I’ve drawn another funny one cartoon. It’s the last part of “Just Write”.

#51 Just Write Part 3
funnyone - just write part 3

I’ve got on a plane to America and signed my contract. Hurrah! My book is in the shop window beside Harry Potter And The Order Of The Phoenix and Diary Of A Wimpy Kid books. My books sell millions and I’ve made millions of dollars. But that’s only a cartoon just now. One day my book will be published. I’m not bothered how much money I’ll make, I’ll just be happy to see my book in print. Anyways, I’ll finish here for tonight.