Don’t Let The Bed Bugs Bite

Hello Funny One here. In the cartoon Rodion has put rotten fruit in my apartment. That’s not good, the fruit will attract bugs. Anyways, here it is.

#165 Funny Twits Part 23
funnyone - funny twits part 23

Goodbye Angelica

Hello Funny One here. I’m now on chapter 14 on my rewrite. I’ve also did another funny one cartoon. I’m going to finish now so I can watch the movie ‘Hot Rod’ on TV.

#118 Funny One And The Chocolate Factory Part 18
funnyone - funny one and the chocolate factory part 18

Froot Loops and Rain Drops

Hello, Funny One back here. Today I started the day with some Froot Loops. They don’t sell them in Britain – it’s a limited edition thing over here. They’re so great! Ok, so I said I was watching a Woody Allen movie last night, it was Sleeper. It was really funny. I really like watching the movies with both Woody Allen and Diane Keaton in them as they’re so funny together. It was a very random movie. It was super funny when Woody was trying to fly with a cheap Japanese flying machine, it would barely get him off the ground. Diane was funny when she was singing. I also loved it when Woody was trying to steal the oversized fruit and vegetables. Anyways, today I went out to the local shops. Very boring. It rained (like most days, though.) It’s so depressing here. Not a good place to do comedy. The people were weird, too. They like to make rude comments about the way I dress, just because I was wearing blue wellies. There’s nothing weird about that, is there? It was raining. Had pizza for lunch but unfortunately half of it fell on the floor. After lunch, I drew another funny picture and watched some TV. Can’t be on too long as I’m having dinner soon. It’s kipper kedgeree.
