Light at the end of the tunnel

Hello Funny One here. I looks up on the internet on how to become a member of the SNL cast. This is an answer from the NBC website “Many people have written to this website asking for an audition. It is not that simple, and never has been. Speaking historically, when someone is at the stage where they audition for SNL, they are already accomplished performers. By the time someone makes it to the stage at Second City or the Groundlings or the UCB or ImprovOlympic, or becomes a good standup, they’ve had years of training. That’s why we look in those places. All of those sketch comedy groups have classes, and from those classes you develop teams, and progress to joining casts of shows. It takes years, and it’s hard and often frustrating. The route is similar in standup comedy, where you keep trying out at clubs until you perfect your act. And when you go as far as you can in those worlds, you’re ready to start the whole process over again at Saturday Night Live.” So it looks like I’m fucked. I’m a bit like Rupert Pupkin. I just really want to be a comedian.  I’ll have to work at a comedy club first but how can I get into America. I would need to get a job, but I can’t get on SNL. I didn’t think you needed experience to be a comedian. I’m not sure of what to do now but I don’t want to give up. Hopefully there will be some light at the end of the tunnel.

Movie Review – Intouchables

Hello Funny One here. Today I went to the cinema with my mom and sister to see the movie “Intouchables” It’s a french movie  directed by Olivier Nakache and Éric Toledano. It’s the second biggest box office hit in France, just behind the 2008 film Welcome to the sticks. Philippe, a wealthy quadriplegic man living in a mansion in Paris, requires a live-in carer. Driss, a young and poor man from the ghettos turns up for an interview, but  isn’t really looking to get the job. However, to his surprise, he gets the job. The two men then develop a close friendship. Ther movie is very funny.  There are so many funny scenes like when Driss is dancing at the birthday party, they go to see an opera and Driss laughs because a man is dressed up like a tree and was singing in german. I would give this movie 5 stars.


Champagne Bubbles and Popcorn Delights

Hello, It’s me the Funny One. Me and my sister watched Sylvester Stallone movies today. We watched Rocky, Rocky 2 and the Expendables. He really is talented. Rocky Balboa is a really likeable character. I really need to get a job in a pet shop! I’m going to have to watch the rest of the Rocky movies soon.

Today’s state is Colorado. The picture is of me in a hot air balloon, I’m not alone in it as you can see. Hehehehe. The hot air balloon rides take place in the morning, and you can see some of the most wonderful views of Colorado. There’s even a post-flight champagne toast. Mmmmm champagne. Who doesn’t like champagne?

The Buffalo Bill Museum and Grave – the museum has exhibits that focus on the life, times and legacy of William “Buffalo Bill” Cody, telling the story of Buffalo Bill and how his legacy developed. Don’t forget to go to the gift shop for some souvenirs. They have mugs, t-shirts and other stuff. There’s also a cafe. They have homemade fudge. Mmmmm homemade fudge.

The Denver Firefighters Museum  has been housed in the original Firehouse Number 1 ever since 1909. go there and  explore over a century of historical artifacts, fascinating exhibits in  the Museum!

There’s the One Hundred Gold Mine Tour. In 1872, the three Neigold brothers arrived from Germany and staked their claim on the “Number Seven” vein. Reinhard, Gustave, and Otto Neigold then spent the next 30 years prospecting and developing the veins on Galena Mountain. Either before or after the tour, you can pan for real silver, gold and semi-precious gemstones in the sluice boxes outside the mine. And the best bit is that you get to keep what you find!

There’s the Molly Brown House Museum, the home of Titanic survivor Margaret Tobin Brown. It’s one of only a few history organizations in Denver that provides both on-site and off-site educational programming. Included in the guided tours of Margaret “Molly” Brown’s home is an environmental theater program that brings Victorian literature to life, and etiquette teas that lets us know about the cultural customs of the Victorian era. The Off-site traveling programs will include mining, the industrial revolution, the science of restoration, and civic activism.

The Colorado Railroad Museum. Did you know that the main museum building was completed in 1959 and resembles an 1880-era small town railroad depot. The Depot Museum has thousands of rare photographs, artifacts and documents illustrating the colorful history of the railroads which have served Colorado for over 125 years.

Free the Funny One!

Hello, the Funny One back again. Not much has happened today. I feel like I’m trapped in Scotland. There is just nothing here. The people are so negative. I feel like I’m getting nowhere, It’s like I’m stuck in Alcatraz. I guess I need Clint Eastwood to help me escape. I have no idea what to do to get out of this country. If only you could just leave whenever you felt like it. I would need money, lots of it or get a job in America. Both seem very impossible right now.
