Wall Street Fat Cats

Hello Funny One here. I’m going to stick with the US Election. President Barack Obama struck out at Wall Street, calling bankers “fat cats” who don’t get it, in a rise of tensions with the industry… “I did not run for office to be helping out a bunch of fat cat bankers on Wall Street,” Mr. Obama said in an interview on CBS’s “60 Minutes” program on Sunday. “They’re still puzzled why is it that people are mad at the banks. Well, let’s see,” he said. “You guys are drawing down $10, $20 million bonuses after America went through the worst economic year that it’s gone through in — in decades, and you guys caused the problem. And we’ve got 10% unemployment.” Relations between the banking industry and the White House were cold from the start and have gotten worse in recent weeks, with large banks lobbying against portions of legislation that would toughen financial-market regulations and administration officials angered by some banks’ continued payment of high bonuses and their unwillingness to lend… White House economic adviser Larry Summers also criticized Wall Street Sunday. “Here is what I think they don’t get…It was their irresponsible risk-taking in many cases that brought the economy to collapse,” Mr. Summers, who chairs the National Economic Council, said on CNN’s “State of the Union.” Mr. Summers knocked big banks for opposing the bill in Congress that would tighten regulatory controls over the financial industry. Anyways, I’ll leave it here for now.

Crazy Mormons Beliefs

Hello Funny One here. The US Elections are soon, Mitt Romney’s a Mormon. Do we know anything about the Mormons? They have some crazy beliefs. Here are some of them.

10. Mormons have to pay one-tenth of all their interest annually.

9. No coffee, no drugs, no tobacco.

8. Apparently everyone on Earth has a spirit in the pre-existence. When you die, your spirit is separated from your body. If you were good you would go to “spirit paradise.” If you were bad you would go to “spirit prison.” The spirit world exists as a place for spirits to go while awaiting the second coming.

7.  Almost everyone who knows anything about the Mormon religion knows they have a prophet. What many don’t know, is anything that the prophet says in official capacity is considered official canon.

6. The Mormons believe that Jesus visited America.

5.  Mormons believe that God, Jesus and resurrected beings have bodies of “flesh and bone.”

4. In the LDS religion any worthy male can be given the priesthood and is given specific duties. Black people were not allowed to have the priesthood until 1978. Females are not allowed to have the priesthood.

3. Mormons believe that there are three heavens: the Celestial Kingdom, Terrestrial Kingdom, and Telestial Kingdom. The Celestial is the highest, where God and the ones who followed his law reside. The Terrestrial is the middle, where people who followed the Law of Moses reside. The Telestial is the lowest, where the ones who followed carnal law reside.

2.  Mormons believe that you can be forgiven for any sin, save two. First, denying the Holy Spirit, and second, murder.  Also, God is infinitely forgiving, until the second coming. After that, you end up where you end up, no matter what. There are no second chances. Period.

1. Mormons believe that God created multiple worlds and each world has people living on it. They also believe that multiple gods exist but each has their own universe. We are only subject to our God and if we obtain the highest level of heaven we can become gods ourselves.

Crazy. Anyways, I’ll leave it here for now.