And I’m Feelin’…Ok?!?

Hey! MissLoca back here again. The FunnyOne is on the road to recovery! hooray! 🙂 She’s even managed to draw some more of the Wonka cartoon for you! She hopes you enjoy it! Don’t worry – she’ll be back on here soon! Ciao,
MissLoca xx

#115 Funny One And the Chcolate Factory Part 15
funnyone - funny one and the chocolate factory part 15

Sick of Being Ill

Hey! This is MissLoca here. The FunnyOne is not feeling well today. She was up last night vomiting. 😦 She’s getting a little better (Hooray!) so hopefully she’ll be back to herself in no time and giving the world all the “funny” one needs in their life! 🙂 In the meantime, here’s a picture I drew! I know, it’s not more of the Wonka tale, but hey! Hmmm, come to think of it, maybe the FunnyOne isn’t well because she ate some of the “poopy” chocolate?!? I hope not! Eeew!
Let’s all hope and pray she gets well soon! ciao for now!
MissLoca xx

funnyone - sick of being ill by MissLoca