And I’m Feelin’…Ok?!?

Hey! MissLoca back here again. The FunnyOne is on the road to recovery! hooray! 🙂 She’s even managed to draw some more of the Wonka cartoon for you! She hopes you enjoy it! Don’t worry – she’ll be back on here soon! Ciao,
MissLoca xx

#115 Funny One And the Chcolate Factory Part 15
funnyone - funny one and the chocolate factory part 15

Sick of Being Ill

Hey! This is MissLoca here. The FunnyOne is not feeling well today. She was up last night vomiting. 😦 She’s getting a little better (Hooray!) so hopefully she’ll be back to herself in no time and giving the world all the “funny” one needs in their life! 🙂 In the meantime, here’s a picture I drew! I know, it’s not more of the Wonka tale, but hey! Hmmm, come to think of it, maybe the FunnyOne isn’t well because she ate some of the “poopy” chocolate?!? I hope not! Eeew!
Let’s all hope and pray she gets well soon! ciao for now!
MissLoca xx

funnyone - sick of being ill by MissLoca

When in Georgia

Hello Funny One Here. Today is my sister’s birthday so I’ll say happy birthday to her. Today I’ve been doing some drawing – two pictures for today’s state and some others I’ve been working on. Today’s state is Georgia. What is there to do in Georgia? Well there’s Legoland. As you can see, I have drawn myself as a Lego character with Spiderman and the Joker. I thought, why not? I also drew myself in a bath filled with Coca-Cola. My sister whose birthday is today thought I was in a cannon and my mum thought I was in a cola bottle!?! At the Coca-Cola factory they have a tour. I wouldn’t mind going. Another awesome thing, I just found out that there’s a Medieval Times in Georgia.That looks so cool. I have to go there!

What else is there to do? There are pumpkin festivals (I have to go to one) there’s the Albany Panthers (Whoo FOOTBALL!!!) plus a lot of other stuff, too like the Stone Mountain Park, Booth Western Museum, Folk Pottery Museum, Atlanta Cyclorama & Civil War Museum, and the Providence Canyon State Park. If you love nature then you’ll want to visit these following places: Dick’s Creek Falls, Sweetwater Creek State Park, Callaway Gardens, the Atlanta Botanical Garden, Rock City Gardens. But, if you’d like to learn more about American history then you can go to the Civil War Village of Andersonville, and the Chickamauga. Anyways, I’ll leave it there for now. As they say in Rome (Italy, not Rome, Georgia!), ciao!

