Goodbye Angelica

Hello Funny One here. I’m now on chapter 14 on my rewrite. I’ve also did another funny one cartoon. I’m going to finish now so I can watch the movie ‘Hot Rod’ on TV.

#118 Funny One And The Chocolate Factory Part 18
funnyone - funny one and the chocolate factory part 18

Funny One Dancing

Hello Funny One here. Today I thought I might try to draw some greetings cards. I don’t know what the greetings cards are like in America but in Britain they’re all dull. Well I’ve just started drawing a card today. I also drew another picture for my blog. I’m doing some funny dancing. We all get negative voices in our head, don’t we? When you are young, you don’t care about what other people think but when you get older you care about what people think. “I should do this, that’s stupid.” Fuck what other people think. I used to have the negative voices but now I don’t. I just drew silly pictures of anything and didn’t worry about it looking perfect. By drawing a picture that isn’t perfect I can accept that I don’t have to try to make everything perfect. Sometimes things are better when they’re not perfect. If I’m happy with it, who cares what other people think. I don’t know if I’m making any sense at all but it made more sense in my head. Anyways, that helps me.