Capturing The Sharks

Hello Funny One here. Here’s part 13 of Home Sweet Home.

#286 Home Sweet Home Part 13
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My mum was a bit confused of what is happening in the cartoons. The jellyfish were scared out of their home, the bottom of the ocean by the sharks. They were scared down there by the submarine. So me and the aliens are going to find out who is capturing the sharks.

Free Birthday Ice Cream

Hello Funny One here. For my birthday my family took me to the Hard Rock Cafe. It’s great there. I have a coupon for a Free birthday ice cream. The waitress brought over the ice cream. She asked whose birthday it was. It was mine. She asked me to stand up. I did. She announced in a loud voice to everyone there that it was my birthday and she asked them all to sing Happy Birthday to me. All these people singing loudly and looking at me just standing there. I was horrified.

Anyways, apart from that I had a good birthday. I even drew another funny one cartoon. It’s not that great as I didn’t have too much time. I’ll do a better one tomorrow.

#284 Home Sweet Home Part 11
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Jelly And Fish

Hello Funny One here. Today I’ve drawn another funny one cartoon. Today’s one there are lots of jellyfish outside the Neptunians home. I’m not feeling too great. I have the cold. I won’t be able to do my blog until I feel better.

#282 Home Sweet Home Part 9
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Carney-cheese Hall!

Hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhooola!!!!! Miss Loca here! Hot news….
The man conceived in Carnegie Hall and takes the meaning of the word “nerd” to a whole new level, the White House’s very own Jay Carney is making news all by himself with the help of a very furry friend – his beard! The major concern is that it takes him 20 minutes longer to get through security in the morning, and the staff are worried at the amount of cheese that gets stuck in it, as well as many other items which happen to get lost in that hairy beast. Come to think of it, has anyone seen Jen Psaki lately?
Later! Miss Loca x


Hello Funny One here. Today’s cartoon we’re trying to get the jellyfish out the house. What frightens jellyfish?

#281 Home Sweet Home Part 8
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That would be Justin Bieber. Anyways I was watching FOX news and I saw the spacecraft being sent to space with the supplies for the astronauts. I thought that was very interesting. If you didn’t see it here’s a link.

Gel A Fish

Hello Funny One here. Today’s cartoon is of me, Cosmo and the Neptunians. We’re in the Neptunians home.

#280 Home Sweet Home Part 7
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Bathtubs And Showers

Hello Funny One here. Today is part 6 of the cartoon.

#279 Home Sweet Home Part 6
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They don’t have baths but they do have hot springs in their homes. Wouldn’t that be cool to have in your home.