Super Bowl Champions XLVII

Hello Funny One here. I watched the first half of the game and watched the repeat in the morning. It was awesome! Sports in britain isn’t as cool as it is in American. In Europe the sports stars think they are too good to speak to the fans. Anyways I thought the game was great, I’d love to be able to go to a super bowl game. Maybe one day I will. I have drawn a picture of one of the Ravens players with the trophy. Anyways, I hope you like it. I think I may draw some more picture of the super bowl. I didn’t have time to draw more today. Well anyways I’ll finish here for tonight.

funnyone - super bowl champions XLVII

Super Bowl XLVII

Hello Funny One here. Today I’ve drawn another funny one cartoon and a picture for the super bowl. Baltimore Ravens v San Francisco 49ers. I’ll be watching some of it. It’ll be night here when its being played. Anyways, I hope you like the picture.

funnyone - superbowl

#70 Time To Travel Part 6

funnyone - time to travel part 6

There are two of me. Wouldn’t that be freaky if you could travel into the future and see the future you. Weird. I wonder where I’ll be in two years time. Hopefully not here. I’m hoping I’ll be in America. Well you never know. Well anyways I’ll finish here for now.