Glass Elevator

Hello Funny One here. I’ve done more of my rewriting. I’m almost finished chapter 15. I’ve added some extra scenes and cut some boring ones out. I’ve made the chapters longer so I think I may have only one more chapter left. I’ve also done another funny one cartoon. My family liked the last cartoon but thought I should have won the factory. I’ve done another part to the Wonka cartoon. They liked this one.

#125 Funny One And The Chocolate Factory Part 25
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Everyone gets free chocolate for life. I even get a free glass elevator. How cool would that be. I could get to America in there. But the police would only shoot at me for trying to sneak in the country. Anyways, I’m going to finish here for now.

Funny One Shines On TV

Hello Funny One here. I did more of my rewrite. I’m on chapter 15. I can’t see it taking much longer. Anyways, I did another Wonka cartoon. I’m on TV but I’ve also shrunk as well. Hopefully the oompa-loompas can help. Dieter from Germany has won the factory. Well I’ll finish here for tonight.

#124 Funny One And the Chocolate Factory Part 24
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The Television Chocolate Room

Hello Funny One here. I’ve done a bit more of my rewrite but then I got distracted with another idea. But I’ll do more of my rewrite tomorrow. I’ve done another funny one cartoon. Were in the Television Chocolate Room. They can send a bar of chocolate through the TV. There’s only two of us left. Me and Dieter from Germany. Who get send by the TV? Who will get the chocolate factory? Find out soon. Anyways, I’ll finish here for now.

#122 Funny One And The Chocolate Factory Part 22
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Louis Gets Carried Away

Hello Funny One here. I didn’t do too much of my rewriting today. I got distracted by other things. I did another Wonka cartoon. Louis has been taken away by the squirrels. The Oompa-Loompas will save him. Well, I’ll finish here for tonight.

#121 Funny One And The Chocolate Factory Part 21
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Goodbye Angelica

Hello Funny One here. I’m now on chapter 14 on my rewrite. I’ve also did another funny one cartoon. I’m going to finish now so I can watch the movie ‘Hot Rod’ on TV.

#118 Funny One And The Chocolate Factory Part 18
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Chewing-Gum Meal

Hello Funny One here. I did more of my rewriting today. I’ve almost finished chapter 13. After that there are only 4 more chapters to check over. It’s actually quite a long book. When I printed it out from the computer I ran out of ink half way through it. Anyways, I also did another funny one cartoon. Angelica from Sweden has taken the chewing-gum meal. See her turn into a blueberry tomorrow. I’ll finish here for now.

#117 Funny One and The chocolate Factory Part 17
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Hair Toffee

Hello Funny one here again. I won’t be too long. I was sick but I’m feeling much better now. Today I did another funny one cartoon. In the cartoon I’ve just tried some hair toffee and I’ve grown a beard. It doesn’t look to bad on me. Hehehehehehe! Well anyways, Hope you like it. I’ll finish here for now.

#116 Funny One And The chocolate Factory Part 16
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The Oompa-Loompas

Hello Funny One here. I did a bit of my rewrite today. About a page. I’ll do more tomorrow. Somehow time just flies past and you haven’t done as much as you would have liked to have. Or is that just me? Hopefully I can do more tomorrow. Anyways I did another funny one cartoon. Hope you like it.

#114 Funny One And The Chocolate Factory Part 14
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Dudley has gone up the pipe. Where is he now? The Oompa-Loompas are going to help Dudley’s mom. What will happen next? You already know! Well anyways I hope you like them. I’m going to finish here for tonight. I’ll be back tomorrow with the next cartoon.

Dudley Goes Up The Pipe

Hello Funny One here. I didn’t do any rewriting today. I did other things today. I will do some tomorrow though. I did do another funny one cartoon. I hope you like it. But you may not want chocolate after reading it. Hehehehehehe!

#113 Funny One And The Chocolate Factory Part 13
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Dudley from Albania has gone up the pipe. How will he get out? Is that really the secret ingredient to the chocolate? Find out tomorrow. Anyways, I’ll finish here for tonight.