Movie Review – Skyfall

Hello Funny One here. I didn’t have time today to do the Funny One cartoon. I’ll do it tomorrow. Anyways, Today me and my sister went to the cinema to see the movie “Skyfall”.  Bond’s mission is to get back a computer drive that has a list of British agents. He goes after the man and  Eve, an agent sent to assist Bond has them anciently shoots Bond. He falls into the river and is believed to be dead. A few months later,  M is she has to retire but she refuses to leave till the matter is resolved. as she returns to HQ to work on it, there’s an explosion. Bond returns, he hadn’t died, he was in hiding. He eventually learns that the man who has the computer drive, is someone from M’s past and who has it in for her. I thought the movie was great! Javier Bardem was great. It was so funny the scene where he feels James bonds thighs. Daniel Craig  and Judi Dench were great as well. I think everyone should see this movie. I think Javier Bardem should win an oscar for his performance in it. Anyways I give this movie 5 stars.
