The Lone Wolf

Hello, It’s me again. Today’s picture is Minnesota. I didn’t know this but they have turtle racing there. Cool! They also have an International Wolf Center and some caves. Anyways, I finished my letter and I scanned some funny pictures for the newspaper on the computer but I hadn’t realized I fucked up. I made a spelling mistake on it. Shit. Of course when I saw it, I crumpled up the picture. Some days it feels like you’re getting nowhere. Anyways, what to do in Minnesota? Go for a ride in a hot air balloon!  Look at the amazing views of the landscape of Minnesota. Or you could take a ride in a helicopter. If you don’t like heights then you can go on the Steamboat Minniehaha. I wouldn’t say no to going on it. The website is Take an Amish tour and you’ll be transported back to life in 1800’s. Horses and buggies, kerosene lamps and wood burning stoves. That would be interesting. There’s also the Mystery Cave Tour. It’s the longest cave in Minnesota. It’s over 13 miles underground. You will see the many features the make up the cave like stalactites, stalagmites, fossils, flowstone and underground pools. That must be amazing to see. There is a huge statue of the Jolly Green Giant. He’s 55ft tall. The statue went up on the 6th July in 1979. That would be cool to visit. There’s the Giant Museum Featuring Jolly Green Giant Memorabilia. (For legal reasons) Here’s the website of the Green Giant.
