The New Year

Hello Funny One here. Well it’s the new year. What would I like for this year. To be able to get my book published. To be able to go over to America. Do I have a new years resolution? Not really. But I do wish I could be a better person though. I also wish people wouldn’t knock other people’s religions. Some people they think that the catholic religion is not strict, not all jews are rich and not every muslim is a terrorist. It would be a lot better if we all got on though. Maybe that’s just me who thinks that. Well anyways, I will hopefully be drawing a new picture for my blog tomorrow. I will also be doing the final rewrite on my book. The first chapter is finished, I just have the rest of the book to do. It won’t take that long. Well anyways I’ll finish here for now.

funnyone - writing a book

funnyone - the truth is out there part 26

funnyone - texas

Mormon Dress Code

Hello Funny One here. The world would be a really scary place if we all followed the “Mormon dress code.” And they are very strict. Here are some pictures of “Mormon approved clothes” and clothes are deemed “evil”. There is only one Mormon in these pictures and it’s not me!

In the “Modest Clothing” picture, you see I’m wearing an ugly brown dress. It looks like a sack of potatoes. There’s nothing good about it. I wouldn’t wear it even if I was given a million pounds. According to the “MDC”, all females must wear modest clothing at all times and never dress attractively as it “shows weakness for them to attract a male with her looks,“ and she should “use her mind to attract a man.” Does that mean using telepathic thoughts? I’m pretty sure that’ll never work (unless they know something and aren’t telling us!) A strapless gown is considered “evil” as it reveals too much flesh. It’s slutty to show off your shoulders. No Mormon women would ever be allowed to wear such “slutwear” It is most definitely unapproved. Men also have to follow the rules, too. In the “Modest Clothing” pic, the blonde Mormon is wearing a modest suit, which consists of a boring shirt and tie. Don’t get me started on the pants. These are pleated pants with self-belt are in the color poo.

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In the picture of “Evil clothing” I’m wearing the “forbidden clothes”: hot pants, a spaghetti strap top with some cleavage on show and bright lipstick. I know what you’re thinking – that is so evil! I look like a dictator, or maybe even Satan! The rules for how women are to dress are absolutely NO skirts above the knee, absolutely NO cleavage and NEVER wear a spaghetti strap top, bikinis are never allowed, NO make up, NO heels over 3 inches and only buy clothes from your local thrift stores. I take it they don’t visit San Francisco much. What about the non-Mormon, in the “Evil Clothing” picture? He is wearing tight shorts, clearly showing off what package he has. The huge bulge in his shorts will “give females thoughts of a sexual nature.”, just as his t-shirt, with the slogan “Let’s get physical” would, too. Mormons would think he is implying he wants to have sex and that is “extremely evil.” Regarding grooming rules, men should keep their faces shaved, hair kept conservative and combed, and they must have clean nails. The unapproved Mormon haircut is to have wild shaggy hair which would tempt a woman. I can’t deny it, I would be very tempted. Hehehehe! The rules on the male dress code are that sometimes males can be scantily clad, however that is only acceptable when swimming. Remember, there is no reason why a man should be half naked before people. They will only have one thing on their minds – fornication.

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As for underwear, the picture “Mormon Lingerie” shows me in some ugly, baggy, non-flattering underwear. I imagine it would be a nightmare to wear this stuff in the summer, you’ll be soaked in sweat. Yucky and smelly! They look so ugly. I wonder that if they buy all their clothes from thrift stores, would they also buy their underwear from there, too? That is just wrong! There is no way I’m buying used underpants. That’s disgusting! Someone farted in those panties! Yucky! Now back to the “Mormon Lingerie” picture. The Mormon is wearing the most ugly underwear I’ve ever seen in my life. Who the hell invented them? I want to know what they were thinking. I can’t look at it. It’s impossible for me to make a joke of them or even describe them. Words fail me right now.

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In the “Devil’s Underwear” I’m wearing normal underwear which they would consider “very evil.” But those panties do look good. I think I’ll have to buy a pair of them. What about the non-Mormon, wearing normal underpants? The Mormon would think they were “sinful.” They’re definitely not evil, they’re just very distracting. I think they look great on him. I don’t know why they make such a big deal about underwear. Nobody can see what underwear a person is wearing with their clothes on.

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Well anyways, I’ll finish here for now.