Funny One on V

Hello Funny One here. Today I have drawn another Funny One cartoon. It’s of me Drunk on Vodka in the Empire Cinema. I messed up the title of the picture at the bottom, I must have been on V. Anyways, I watched the movie “Casa de mi padre”. Will Ferrell, Diego Luna and Gael García Bernal are so funny in it. I loved the talking lion in it. I loved the scene where Diego Luna get shot and he falls to the ground but he’s still trying to have a drink was hilarious. Will Ferrell singing is so funny. It’s a really funny movie.  After that I watched the repeat of Cuckoo. It’s just too funny.  Anyways, I’ll leave it here.

#9 funny one on v

Funny One Here Again

Hello, Funny One here. Me and my sister we to the cinema to see “The Campaign” again. It’s so funny. Will Ferrell is awesome. I love it when the snake bit him and he was swearing in the church. Super funny. Anyways, I had an idea for today’s picture, I saw something that gave me an idea so my sister took a photo of it on her phone but when she tried to put it on the computer it wouldn’t work. Hopefully I can do the picture tomorrow. Anyways, I just watched Cuckoo. Ken and Cuckoo bonded, It was so funny. I’ll write about that tomorrow. I’ll leave it here for now.

Funny One - Maryland

Movie Review – The Campaign

Hello Funny One here. Today I went to the cinema and saw the movie “The Campaign”. It was so funny. Will Ferrell was awesome. He’s always funny though. It was so funny when he punched a baby in the face then later he punched Uggie, the dog from the Artist. I was suprised to see Dan Aykroyd in it. He’s funny. I’ll definately be going to see the movie again! I give this movie 5 stars.


I also watched “Cuckoo”.  Andy Samberg is so funny but I’ll write more about that tomorrow though.