I’m On A Boat Finale

Hello Funny One here. I’ve done another funny one cartoon. The last of the boat series. 37 parts to that series. I sneaked on a ship and hid in Johnny’s closet. He let me stay in his room. I even ate his dinner which was a pie. Mmmm pie. I borrowed his pajamas which were too big for me. I slept in the bed while he slept on the sofa. What a nice man he is. In the morning I went to the bathroom and saw him naked in the shower. As I left the bathroom a crazy man puts a gun in my face. He has my passport. There are more crazy men on the ship. They even take my bag away with them. Johnny says they’re up to something big and he’ll stop them. That evening he takes me out to dinner. A waiter gives him a secret note. He goes into some man’s room while I wait outside with a gadget. I’m supposed to press a button if I see the man coming along the corridor. He comes along and shoves me and I drop the gadget and it breaks. He goes into the room. Johnny is in there. The bald man is holding a gun up at Johnny and he is holding a Justin Bieber CD. Johnny opens the case and the Disc goes flying out and slits the bald mans throat and then it flies straight into a speaker where it gets stuck. While in the room I find my bag. There are maps and CD’s in there. Johnny think’s they’re going to frame me for the murders they are going to commit. Johnny gets a list of everyone on the ship to find out more about these crazy men. It takes forever typing in all the names. The targets for the CD killings are a movie premiere, the Empire State Building, the White House and the NBC Building. The crazy men are Joe Joe Cherenko, Billy Adams, Fred Green and Buddy Jones. We go of to find them. I even get to carry a gun. Fred threatens us with a Justin Bieber CD. It’s not one of the killing CD’s it’s just a Justin Bieber album. We both drop our guns. Fred tries to use Johnny’s gun. It’s a special sensory gun that only works if Johnny holds it. The crazy men turn up and hit us over the heads. We are both tied up in different rooms. Finally Johnny finds me. I’m handcuffed to a pipe. johnny can’t find a key so he uses an axe. The day when we arrive in America. Me and Johnny catch Joe Joe Chernenko and Fred Green. We then split up to find the last two. Johnny goes after Billy while I look for Buddy. Johnny Shoots Billy in the foot and then handcuffs him. I try to catch Buddy but he round house kicks me and ties me up.

#48 I’m On A Boat Part 37

funnyone - i'm on a boat part 37

Johnny finds me. He punches Buddy and handcuffs him to the pipe and frees me. Well I hope you liked the ending to the series. My favorite one to do was part 4.

I’m Still On The Boat

I think it’s the funniest one I’ve done and the best drawing, but that’s just me. What do you think of my cartoons? I would like to know what people think of them. Are they good or bad? Whatever you think, leave a comment on my page. Anyways, I’ll finish here for now.

Funny One Handcuffed, Again

Hello Funny One here with another funny one cartoon. It’s the second last part. I hope you like it.

#47 I’m On A Boat Part 36

funnyone - i'm on a boat part 36

Three crazy men caught. Just Buddy left. I’m handcuffed, again. Anyways, I’ll finish here for now.

Funny One And The Text Message

Hello Funny One here with another funny one cartoon. Soon this boat story will come to an end. Anyways, Here is part 34. I hope you like it.

#45 I’m On A Boat Part 34

funnyone - i'm on a boat part 34

Joe Joe Cherenko has been caught, only three more crazy men to get before the ship gets to America. Can Johnny stop them? Who sent Fred the text? Find out tomorrow. I’ll finish here for now.

Funny One’s Almost In America

Hello Funny One here with another funny one cartoon. Not long to go till it’s over.

#44 I’m On A Boat Part 33

funnyone - i'm on a boat part 33

Almost in America. Will Johnny stop those crazy men? Or will they get off the boat and kill with their Justin Bieber CD’s? Is anyone reading this a Justin Bieber fan? Will I get to stay in America? The ending will be soon but will it be a good one? Find out soon. Anyways, I’ll finish here for tonight.

The Funny One And The Lost Key

Hello Funny One here again. Here is another funny one cartoon. I hope you like it.

#43 I’m On A Boat Part 32

funnyone - i'm on a boat part 32

I’m handcuffed to a pipe, Johnny is going to help free me but can’t find a key. He’ll just have to use an axe he found. Find out what will happen next, tomorrow or another day.

Day 7 On The Ship

Hello Funny One here. I’ve done some more of my rewriting of my novel. Not doing too bad on it. I don’t want any boring or ok bits. I want to make it the best I can. Also I want it to be super funny. Today I did another funny one cartoon. Looks like it will all soon be over. Anyways, I hope you like it. Here it is.

#42 I’m On A Boat Part 31

funnyone - i'm on a boat part 31

Johnny finally escaped, he found me. I’m handcuffed to a pipe. Does he have the key? If not how will he help free me? Will the crazy men get of the ship tomorrow? Will I get off the ship and finally return to America? Find out the answer to these questions tomorrow or another day. I’ll just finish here for now.

There’s A Storm Coming

Hello Funny One here. I’ve done another funny one cartoon. Here it is. Hope you like it.

#40 I’m On A Boat Part 29

funnyone - i'm on a boat part 29

There’s a storm coming. Will the crazy men finally be stopped? Will cartoon story about the boat end soon? Will I get to America? Will I stop boring people? Find out either tomorrow or another day. Anyways, I’ll finish here for tonight.

A Butcher Who Likes Poetry

Hello Funny One here. It’s sad to hear about the death of Patrick Moore. My mom likes to watch the “Sky at night”, so she was upset by the news.  Before writing my blog I watched the Expendables movie on TV. It’s so good. I can’t wait to watch the second one again. Today I drew another funny one cartoon.

#35  I’m On A Boat Part 24

funnyone - i'm on a boat part 24

Joe Joe Cherenko, a Russian/Swedish rock star and Billy Adams, a butcher who likes poetry. Find out about the other two crazy men tomorrow. Anyways, I’ll finish here for tonight.

The Secret Mission

Hello Funny One here, with another Funny One cartoon. I hope you like it.

#32 I’m On A Boat Part 21

funnyone i'm on a boat part 21

Johnny’s FBI partner is in Russia so he can’t help him with stopping the crazy men so I’m getting to work Johnny and the FBI on the secret mission. Cool! To find out more about it come back tomorrow. Anyways I’ll finish here for now.

Day 3 On The Ship

Hello Funny One here. Today me and my sister (Miss Loca) went to the Christmas market.  We were eating some Greek pastry and had some hot chocolate. We meet an Italian man. We talked with him for a bit. He is visiting Britain, he’s from Sicily. He asked our names. He thought I said my name was Cindy. My names not Cindy.

#31  I’m On A Boat Part 20

funnyone - i'm on a boat part 20

Johnny has the list of everyone on the boat  (who bought a ticket), The flying CD’s are made to kill. Who to kill? Who are the crazy men? Why a Justin Bieber CD? Find out more tomorrow. I’ll finish here for now.