Cheese Museum

Hello Funny One here. Still writing about my trip to Amsterdam. Me and my sister (Miss Loca) went to the cheese museum. We didn’t go to the museum bit but we did go to the shop. We tried so many cheese samples. They were all so yummy. I would have loved to have bought all the different types. Mmmm cheese. The pesto and pizza flavours are so delicious. I had to buy them. The staff there are so friendly there. They told us that we could buy up to 10 kilos of cheese any more an we’d have to declare it at the airport. They also see caramel waffles. If you leave the waffles on top of your cup of coffee for a minute the caramel will melt. I tried this and it’s amazing. Mmmm caramel waffles. They also sell keyrings. I got one with a mouse on cheese.

funnyone - cheese museum

The Chocolate Room

Hello Funny One here. I did a bit more of my rewriting today. I’m over half way through chapter 12. Not only do I want some tapas but I really can’t wait to get it published. I’m not really bothered if I make a lot of money or not. I just would like to have written a great story that people will like. Anyways, I did another funny one cartoon. We’re in the chocolate room. Mmmmm chocolate. Who wouldn’t want to go in there. I know a lot of people say they only eat healthy food but we all want a bit of chocolate too.

#112 Funny One And The Chocolate Factory Part 12
funnyone - funny one and the chocolate factory part 12

Dudley ‘Nibbles’ from Albania has jumped in the chocolate river. I can’t swim but I would do that. I would drink all the chocolate. I wouldn’t mind some chocolate now. I’m going to look for some chocolate, I’ll finish here for now.

One Golden Ticket Left

Hello Funny One here again. It’s so good to be back. I’ve done another funny one cartoon. There is only one ticket left now. Also I did more of my rewrite. I’m really enjoying that. I can’t wait to start on the follow-up book.

#105 Funny One And The Chocolate Factory Part 5
funnyone - funny one and the chocolate factory part 5

The four of the five golden tickets have been found by Louis in France, Angelica from Sweden, Dudley from Albania and Dieter from Germany. Who will win the fifth ticket? What do you mean you already know? Because the title is Funny One And The Chocolate Factory. Ok, To see if I win it then you can return to my blog. Well anyways I’ll finish here for tonight. I’ll be back tomorrow.

Super Bowl Champions XLVII

Hello Funny One here. I watched the first half of the game and watched the repeat in the morning. It was awesome! Sports in britain isn’t as cool as it is in American. In Europe the sports stars think they are too good to speak to the fans. Anyways I thought the game was great, I’d love to be able to go to a super bowl game. Maybe one day I will. I have drawn a picture of one of the Ravens players with the trophy. Anyways, I hope you like it. I think I may draw some more picture of the super bowl. I didn’t have time to draw more today. Well anyways I’ll finish here for tonight.

funnyone - super bowl champions XLVII