Funny One On The Oscars

Hello Funny One here and I’m going to talk about the Oscars. Best film went to Argo. Haven’t seen it. I’ve only seen 3 of out of the 9 movies nominated for best picture. I thought Lincoln was going to win. Best director went to Ang Lee for Life of Pi. That a great movie too. Best actor went to Daniel Day-Lewis for Lincoln. I’m so glad that Daniel Day-Lewis won best actor. He deserved it. He’s the first actor to win three Oscars. I’m disappointed that Lincoln didn’t win more awards. Best actress went to Jennifer Lawrence for Silver Linings Playbook. I thought she would win. Best supporting actor went to Christoph Waltz for Django Unchained. He was really good in Django Unchained. It was very different to his role in Inglourious Basterds. He’s a really great actor. Best supporting actress went to Anne Hathaway for Les Misérables. It was obvious she was going to win. Best foreign language film went to Amour. The only film I saw that was nominated was No. Best animated feature film went to Brave. Boring. Best original screenplay went to Django Unchained by Quentin Tarantino. That script was amazing. I’d love to be in one of his movies. But who wouldn’t though? Best adapted screenplay went to Argo by Chris Terrio. Best original score went to Life Of Pi. It was a really good soundtrack. Best original song went to Skyfall by Adele. Not a bad song. Cinematography went to Life Of Pi. I can see why it won. Editing went to Argo. Production design went to Lincoln. Well two Oscars are better than none. But Lincoln deserved more though. Costume design went to Anna Karenina. Boring. Sound editing went to Zero Dark Thirty and Skyfall. I didn’t know that two could win. Sound mixing went to Les Misérables. The sound wasn’t that great. Special Visual Effects went to Life Of Pi. They were great special effects. Make-up and hair went to Les Misérables. Why? Short animation went to Paperman. Documentary short subject went to Inocente. Short film went to Curfew. Documentary went to Searching For Sugarman. I got that one right. Well anyways I’ll finish here for now.

funnyone - daniel day-lewis with oscar

funnyone - sally field

funnyone - Amy Adams

funnyone - jessica chastain

funnyone - jane fonda

Oscar Predictions

Hello Funny One here. I’ve got m predictions for the Oscars. I think Lincoln will win a lot. It’s a great movie.

Best film

Best director
Steven Spielberg – Lincoln

Best actor
Daniel Day-Lewis – Lincoln

Best actress
Jennifer Lawrence – Silver Linings Playbook

Best supporting actor
Robert De Niro – Silver Linings Playbook

Best supporting actress
Anne Hathaway – Les Miserables

Best foreign language film
No (Chile)

Best animated feature film
Pirates! Band of Misfits

Best original screenplay
Django Unchained

Best adapted screenplay

Best original score
Lincoln – John Williams

Best original song
Pi’s lullaby (Life Of Pi)



Production design

Costume design

Sound editing
Life Of Pi

Sound mixing

Special Visual Effects
Life Of Pi

Make-up and hair
The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey

Short animation

Documentary short subject

Short film

Searching For Sugarman

funnyone - lincoln

funnyone - life of pi

funnyone - django unchained

funnyone - NO

Movie Review – Lincoln

Hello Funny One here. Today I went to the cinema with my sisters and mom to see the movie Lincoln. It’s a very good movie. Daniel Day-Lewis and Sally field were really good in it. She won’t get any recognition for it because of les miserables. It’s really difficult to say ho should win the Oscar, Denzel Washington or Daniel Day-Lewis? They were both great. The critics said the movie was too long and boring. It’s not too long. The critics thought there was too talking. Well it’s about politics, what did they expect. Anyways me and my family loved it. I give it 5 stars.


funnyone - lincoln

funnyone - daniel day lewis

funnyone - daniel day-lewis & sally field

Funny One On The Baftas

Hello Funny One here. Last time I said I would talk more about the Baftas so here I am. Best film went to Argo. I haven’t seen this movie so I don’t know if it’s any good or not. Is it? Outstanding British film went to Skyfall. I thought that would win. It’s a great movie. Best director went to Ben Affleck for Argo. I thought Ang Lee was going to win it. Best actor went to Daniel Day-Lewis for Lincoln. He deserved to win. His performance was amazing. Anyways, Best actress went to Emmanuelle Riva for Amour. I’ve never seen and have no idea what it’s about. Best supporting actor went to Christoph Waltz for Django Unchained. Both him and Javier Bardem were great. So I was happy with that one. Best supporting actress went to Anne Hathaway for Les Misérables. I thought Dame Judi Dench deserved to win it. She was great in Skyfall. Anyone whose seen the Skyfall will agree with me on that. Outstanding debut by a British writer, director or producer went to Bart Layton, Dimitri Doganis for The Imposter. I have no idea what it’s about. I haven’t seen it. Best foreign language film went to
Amour. The only ones I saw that were nominated were Rust and Bone and Untouchable. I like them both. Best animated feature film went to Brave. I really don’t l;ike it. It’s so cliché. Best original screenplay went to Django Unchained written by Quentin Tarantino. He did deserve it. It was fucking awesome! Best adapted screenplay went to Silver Linings Playbook written by David O. Russell. I would have loved it if Life of Pi or Lincoln had won. Best original score went to Skyfall. I thought that would win. I knew Skyfall would win some. Cinematography went to Life of Pi. The cinematography for this movie was really was mind-blowing. Editing went to Argo. I thought Skyfall would have won that. Production design went to Les Misérables. there’s no way it’s better than Life of Pi. Costume design went to Anna Karenina. I thought Lincoln should have won. Sound went to Les Misérables. Really. Did they not hear Anne Hathaway singing? Obviously not. Special Visual Effects went to Life of Pi. What else would have won? Make-up and hair went to Les Misérables. Really? Did they not see Anne Hathaway? Short animation went to The Making of Longbird. Haven’t seen but I thought it might win. Short film went to Swimmer. Have no idea what it’s about. Is it about swimming? Documentary went to Searching For Sugar Man. And finally The Rising Star Award went to Juno Temple. That’s what happens when you let the public vote. Anyways, I’ll finish here for now.

funnyone - helen mirren

funnyone - Marion Cotillard

Bafta 2013 Predictions

Hello Funny One here with my predictions to whose going to win at the Baftas. Here they are.

Best film
Zero Dark Thirty

Outstanding British film

Best director
Ang Lee – Life of Pi

Best actor
Daniel Day-Lewis – Lincoln

Best actress
Dame Helen Mirren – Hitchcock

Best supporting actor
Javier Bardem – Skyfall

Best supporting actress
Dame Judi Dench – Skyfall

Outstanding debut by a British writer, director or producer
Tina Gharavi (director/writer) – I Am Nasrine

Best foreign language film
Rust and Bone

Best animated feature film

Best original screenplay
Django Unchained – Quentin Tarantino

Best adapted screenplay
Life of Pi – David Magee

Best original score

Life of Pi


Production design
Life of Pi

Costume design
Anna Karenina

Django Unchained

Special Visual Effects
Life of Pi

Make-up and hair

Short animation
The Making of Longbird

Short film
The Curse


Rising Star Award (voted for by the public)
Andrea Riseborough

funnyone - life of pi

funnyone - skyfall

funnyone - django unchained

funnyone - rust and bone

Up Uranus

Hello Funny One here. Today I drew Uranus. It’s the seventh smallest planet in the solar system and the seventh planet from the Sun. Uranus is mainly composed of ices and rock. It also has 27 moons. The other large planets have extremely hot cores, and radiate infrared radiation. Something made the core of Uranus cool down to the point that it doesn’t radiate much heat. The temperature of the cloud tops on Uranus can drop down to 49 K. It was the first planet discovered by telescope. It spins lying on its  side, like a barrel, this is possibly due to a large collision early in its formation.

I have also drawn a cartoon. I’ll hopefully be doing more, one every day of me trying to get into America. Today’s cartoon is called “Flight Plan”.

#1 Flight Plan

funnyone - flighplan1

In the cartoon I’m trying to sneak into America in a suitcase. Someone who works there finds the unattended suitcase. He thinks there is a bomb in the suitcase so it gets blown up.

Sitting in Parked Cars in Nebraska

Hello, Funny One here. I wrote one funny article today and I just have to do one more, which I think I’ll do tomorrow. Ok, so today’s state is Nebraska. The picture is of me at the Carhenge. It replicates Stonehenge, and is made of a circle of cars, 3 standing trilithons within the circle, the heel stone, slaughter stone, and 2 station stones, and the Aubrey circle, which is named after Sir John Aubrey who first recognized the earthworks and great stones as a prehistoric temple in 1648.

Ok, I’m going to start off with trains. If you visit the Oregon Trail Wagon Train you will get to try a real campfire cookout. Cool! I wonder if they sing campfire songs? You will be taken back in time where you can experience what it was like to live back in the days of 1850. Enjoy the Old West! It sounds like fun. There’s also the Stolley Park Railway where you will have two trips around Stolley Park on Central Nebraska’s only life-size garden-scale railroad. There is also a candy store there, The Sweet Tooth Shop, which is available to park goers offering a wide range of delicious treats like popcorn, cookies and cotton candy. Mmmmm cotton candy. The Rock Island Depot Railroad Museum is two-storeys and is an historic stop that’s definitely going to impress. The Rock Island Railroad Depot is one of two remaining brick Rock Island Railroad Depots in Nebraska. It is also the largest depot that is still in existence between Chicago and Denver.

Do you want to know more about the history of Nebraska? Well, there are many places to visit, such as The Great Platte River Road Archway. From the year 1843 to 1869, nearly half a million men, women and children rode and walked the trails to the West Coast. The sky was overwhelming and the mountains and wildlife were like nothing they had ever seen before. These pioneers persevered with a strong will and a lot of determination, and they carried their cherished belongings in wagons or strapped to burros; and they also pushed or floated hand carts over mountains, rivers and valleys. All who took the trip were changed by it. Those early pioneers were shaped by what they saw and experienced, and they have provided America to be a heritage that is a living spirit that molds the nation’s character today. If you visit The Pioneer Village you will see a priceless steam carousel, 17 historic flying machines and you will marvel at 100 antique tractors. There’s also the world’s oldest Buick, a 1902 Cadillac and a 1903 Ford, both designed by Henry Ford, plus 350 other antique cars, all displayed in their order of development. The Nebraska History Museum is where you can see fascinating artefacts and hear some amazing stories from the rich history of Nebraska. The Museum of the Fur Trade is a museum that is dedicated to preserving the rich history of the North American fur trade. It’s located three miles east of Chadron and stands on the site of James Bordeaux’s trading post which was established for the American Fur Company in 1837.

Here are some other interesting places to go: The Nebraska Firefighters Museum. The hottest place in Nebraska! There is also El Museo Latino, which is one of only 11 Latino museums in the United States. Well, I’ll leave it there for now. Hasta luego.
