Up Uranus

Hello Funny One here. Today I drew Uranus. It’s the seventh smallest planet in the solar system and the seventh planet from the Sun. Uranus is mainly composed of ices and rock. It also has 27 moons. The other large planets have extremely hot cores, and radiate infrared radiation. Something made the core of Uranus cool down to the point that it doesn’t radiate much heat. The temperature of the cloud tops on Uranus can drop down to 49 K. It was the first planet discovered by telescope. It spins lying on its  side, like a barrel, this is possibly due to a large collision early in its formation.

I have also drawn a cartoon. I’ll hopefully be doing more, one every day of me trying to get into America. Today’s cartoon is called “Flight Plan”.

#1 Flight Plan

funnyone - flighplan1

In the cartoon I’m trying to sneak into America in a suitcase. Someone who works there finds the unattended suitcase. He thinks there is a bomb in the suitcase so it gets blown up.