Movie Review – Hotel Transylvania

Hello Funny One here. I’ve just watched Walker, Texas Ranger on TV.  It’s the Halloween episode with the devil worshippers. They’re so weird.

Today I went to the cinema to see the movie “Hotel Transylvania”. Dracula’s a father and has a hotel for monsters. Jonathan, A human goes there. He goes in disguise as Frankensteins cousin three times removed. (What does that even mean?) Jonathan and Dracula’s’ daughter Mavis meet and they like each other. Dracula doesn’t approve and has him leave. Andy Samberg has a great voice. I love it when he was singing in the movie. So funny! It’s like Lonely Island for kids. It was funny when the monsters were dancing at the party. I’ll definitely be seeing this movie again. Maybe in 3D.  I give this movie 5 stars.
