And I’m Feelin’…Ok?!?

Hey! MissLoca back here again. The FunnyOne is on the road to recovery! hooray! 🙂 She’s even managed to draw some more of the Wonka cartoon for you! She hopes you enjoy it! Don’t worry – she’ll be back on here soon! Ciao,
MissLoca xx

#115 Funny One And the Chcolate Factory Part 15
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The Oompa-Loompas

Hello Funny One here. I did a bit of my rewrite today. About a page. I’ll do more tomorrow. Somehow time just flies past and you haven’t done as much as you would have liked to have. Or is that just me? Hopefully I can do more tomorrow. Anyways I did another funny one cartoon. Hope you like it.

#114 Funny One And The Chocolate Factory Part 14
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Dudley has gone up the pipe. Where is he now? The Oompa-Loompas are going to help Dudley’s mom. What will happen next? You already know! Well anyways I hope you like them. I’m going to finish here for tonight. I’ll be back tomorrow with the next cartoon.

Dudley Goes Up The Pipe

Hello Funny One here. I didn’t do any rewriting today. I did other things today. I will do some tomorrow though. I did do another funny one cartoon. I hope you like it. But you may not want chocolate after reading it. Hehehehehehe!

#113 Funny One And The Chocolate Factory Part 13
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Dudley from Albania has gone up the pipe. How will he get out? Is that really the secret ingredient to the chocolate? Find out tomorrow. Anyways, I’ll finish here for tonight.

The Chocolate Room

Hello Funny One here. I did a bit more of my rewriting today. I’m over half way through chapter 12. Not only do I want some tapas but I really can’t wait to get it published. I’m not really bothered if I make a lot of money or not. I just would like to have written a great story that people will like. Anyways, I did another funny one cartoon. We’re in the chocolate room. Mmmmm chocolate. Who wouldn’t want to go in there. I know a lot of people say they only eat healthy food but we all want a bit of chocolate too.

#112 Funny One And The Chocolate Factory Part 12
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Dudley ‘Nibbles’ from Albania has jumped in the chocolate river. I can’t swim but I would do that. I would drink all the chocolate. I wouldn’t mind some chocolate now. I’m going to look for some chocolate, I’ll finish here for now.

The Big Day Arrives

Hello Funny One here. I didn’t do much of my rewrite today. My sister was on the laptop editing her video of her monologues. I helped her film them. I think I did ok at that. Anyways, I only did one page of my rewrite. Not good. I definitely want to do more tomorrow. But I did do another funny one cartoon. The big day arrives. We finally get inside the chocolate factory. Hope you like it. I’m going to watch the Godfather on DVD. I’ll finish here for tonight. I’ll be back with another funny one cartoon.

#111 Funny One And The Chocolate Factory Part 11
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Golden Ticket

Hello Funny One here. How far am I on my rewrite? I’m half way through chapter 12. I don’t want rush through it. I don’t want there to be any boring bits in my book. Anyways, I did another funny one cartoon. hope you like it.

#110 Funny One And The Chocolate Factory Part 10
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I’ve found the last golden ticket. Hurrah! That would be so cool, wouldn’t it. Well anyways, I’ll finish here for now.

Looking For A Wonka Bar

Hello Funny One here. I did more writing. I’ve almost finished chapter 11. Not bad. Can’t wait to do more of it. I’ll do more tomorrow. I also did another funny one cartoon. hope you like it.

#109 Funny One And The Chocolate Factory Part 9
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There are no golden tickets left. What will happen now? Where is the last golden ticket? will someone find it? Will there be another part to the cartoon? Will I write something funny? To find out the answers to these questions, come back tomorrow. I’ll finish here for tonight.

Fool’s gold

Hello Funny One here. Yesterday I wrote that I’d tell you how the key lime pie was. It was great. I only wish there was more if it. I did have to use a lot of coloring for it though. Anyways, today I did more of my rewrite. I’m half way through chapter 11. I hope to do more tomorrow. I would love to talk about it. I wonder if anyone will want to read it? I hope so. Also today I did another funny one cartoon. You’d rather see silly pictures of celebrities? If you do there are some ones of Justin Bieber, Shia LaBeouf, Mark Wahlberg and some other celebrities on my blog. There are also more funny one cartoons. Well anyways, here is todays cartoon.

#108 Funny One And The Chocolate Factory Part 8
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Miss Loca has returned. Also the last ticket was a fake. I may still win a golden ticket. To find out, come back tomorrow. I’ll finish here for now.


Hello Funny One here again. I did more of my rewriting of my novel. I don’t think I’m doing too badly on it. I also made a key lime pie. It’s the first time I’ve ever made it. I don’t know how it taste but it looks good. I’ll tell you tomorrow if it was any good. Mmmmm Key lime pie. Anyways, I did another funny one cartoon. I hope you like it.

#107 Funny One And The Chocolate Factory Part 7
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I was the one millionth customer and I got a FREE Wonka bar. Great! Mmmmm chocolate. Then I go home and find out that the last ticket has been found. That’s not so great. To find out what happens next, come back tomorrow. Anyways, I’m going to watch the movie ParaNorman on DVD. I’ll finish here for now.

Funny Money

Hello Funny One here. I’m tired, so I won’t be on too long. I’ve done another funny one cartoon. Hope you like it.

#106 Funny One And The Chocolate Factory Part 6
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I was taking a walk outside and I found some money. Now I can buy another Wonka bar. Will it have the fith golden ticket? Find out tomorrow. I’ll finish here for tonight. I’m going to bed now. Zzzzzzzzzz