It’s A Wash

Hello Funny One here with another funny one cartoon. Hope you like it.

#157 Funny Twits Part 15
funnyone - funny twits part 15

Funny, I Shrunk Your Clothes

Hello Funny One here. Rodion has taken my clothes out of the washing machine and put dolls clothes in there. I of course think they have shrunk. Hehehehehe!

#155 Funny Twits Part 13
funnyone - funny twits part 13

Mormon Dress Code

Hello Funny One here. The world would be a really scary place if we all followed the “Mormon dress code.” And they are very strict. Here are some pictures of “Mormon approved clothes” and clothes are deemed “evil”. There is only one Mormon in these pictures and it’s not me!

In the “Modest Clothing” picture, you see I’m wearing an ugly brown dress. It looks like a sack of potatoes. There’s nothing good about it. I wouldn’t wear it even if I was given a million pounds. According to the “MDC”, all females must wear modest clothing at all times and never dress attractively as it “shows weakness for them to attract a male with her looks,“ and she should “use her mind to attract a man.” Does that mean using telepathic thoughts? I’m pretty sure that’ll never work (unless they know something and aren’t telling us!) A strapless gown is considered “evil” as it reveals too much flesh. It’s slutty to show off your shoulders. No Mormon women would ever be allowed to wear such “slutwear” It is most definitely unapproved. Men also have to follow the rules, too. In the “Modest Clothing” pic, the blonde Mormon is wearing a modest suit, which consists of a boring shirt and tie. Don’t get me started on the pants. These are pleated pants with self-belt are in the color poo.

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In the picture of “Evil clothing” I’m wearing the “forbidden clothes”: hot pants, a spaghetti strap top with some cleavage on show and bright lipstick. I know what you’re thinking – that is so evil! I look like a dictator, or maybe even Satan! The rules for how women are to dress are absolutely NO skirts above the knee, absolutely NO cleavage and NEVER wear a spaghetti strap top, bikinis are never allowed, NO make up, NO heels over 3 inches and only buy clothes from your local thrift stores. I take it they don’t visit San Francisco much. What about the non-Mormon, in the “Evil Clothing” picture? He is wearing tight shorts, clearly showing off what package he has. The huge bulge in his shorts will “give females thoughts of a sexual nature.”, just as his t-shirt, with the slogan “Let’s get physical” would, too. Mormons would think he is implying he wants to have sex and that is “extremely evil.” Regarding grooming rules, men should keep their faces shaved, hair kept conservative and combed, and they must have clean nails. The unapproved Mormon haircut is to have wild shaggy hair which would tempt a woman. I can’t deny it, I would be very tempted. Hehehehe! The rules on the male dress code are that sometimes males can be scantily clad, however that is only acceptable when swimming. Remember, there is no reason why a man should be half naked before people. They will only have one thing on their minds – fornication.

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As for underwear, the picture “Mormon Lingerie” shows me in some ugly, baggy, non-flattering underwear. I imagine it would be a nightmare to wear this stuff in the summer, you’ll be soaked in sweat. Yucky and smelly! They look so ugly. I wonder that if they buy all their clothes from thrift stores, would they also buy their underwear from there, too? That is just wrong! There is no way I’m buying used underpants. That’s disgusting! Someone farted in those panties! Yucky! Now back to the “Mormon Lingerie” picture. The Mormon is wearing the most ugly underwear I’ve ever seen in my life. Who the hell invented them? I want to know what they were thinking. I can’t look at it. It’s impossible for me to make a joke of them or even describe them. Words fail me right now.

funnyone - mormon2

In the “Devil’s Underwear” I’m wearing normal underwear which they would consider “very evil.” But those panties do look good. I think I’ll have to buy a pair of them. What about the non-Mormon, wearing normal underpants? The Mormon would think they were “sinful.” They’re definitely not evil, they’re just very distracting. I think they look great on him. I don’t know why they make such a big deal about underwear. Nobody can see what underwear a person is wearing with their clothes on.

funnyone - mormon4

Well anyways, I’ll finish here for now.

Ship Of Dreams

Hello Funny One here. I’ve done the second part to the ship of dreams.

#79 Titanic – Ship Of Dreams Part 2

funnyone - titanic - ship of dreams part 2

Very authentic. The ship has rats. Well I’ll be doing the Third part on Wednesday.

I’ve drawn some more pictures for Paris Fashion Week. Today’s designer is Lanvin.

funnyone - lanvin

funnyone - leafs

Here are some links to check out.

I’ll finish here for now.

Funny One Wears Devastee

Hello Funny One here. I’ve done the last part to Funny One On A Ledge. I hope it’s good. Here it is, Enjoy.

#77 Funny One On A Ledge Part 3

funnyone - funny one on a ledge part3

As it’s now fashion week in France I thought I’d draw myself in some of the clothes. Hehehehehe! It’s the closest I may get to wearing designer clothes. Well Anyways here are some of the clothes I like the look of.

Veronique Branquinho
Check out the fall 2013 collection here.

funnyone - veronique branquinho

funnyone - veronique branquinho fall collection

Guy Laroche
here are some links to check out.

funnyone - guy laroche

check out the fall collection here.

funnyone - devastee

Spanish Fashion Week

Hello Funny One here. I just heard that this week Spain are having their fashion week. I thought I’d have a look at some of the clothes. I’ve drawn myself in three cool designs from their new collections. Have a look at them. What do you think of them?

Agatha Ruiz de la Prada

This is a lovely gold sparkly dress.

This dress would be perfect for St Patrick’s day.

I love this skirt. It looks fun!

What a beautiful dress.

I love the design on the skirt.

funnyone - Agatha Ruiz de la Prada

Hannibal Laguna

This dress looks very similar to the one that Marilyn Monroe wore in Seven Year Itch.

I love the color of this dress!

This dress is amazing. I want one!

This looks like something Marilyn Monroe would have worn.

I love the pink dress. This is the original I drew from.

funnyone - Hannibal Laguna

Maya Hansen

I love these two corsets. They look awesome! Check them out!

This one is a cake inspired corset. Looks good. If I had the money I would buy one.

This one is the Mint & Choc corset. This one also looks good. It’s €450. I think that’s about $593 in American money and £388 in british money.

funnyone - Maya Hansen

Well I’ll just finish here for now.

Valentine’s Day

Hello Funny One here again. Today is valentine’s day. I would have liked to have been with a sexy guy, well maybe next year I might be lucky. Hehehehe! Didn’t do much today, but I did get some bargains online though. I hope I can do some more writing tomorrow and some pictures too. Well I hope everone had a good valentine’s day, I’ll finish here for tonight.

funnyone - family meeting - cuckoo

funnyone - valentine's day

Day 2 On The Ship

Hello Funny One here. Today I drew another funny one cartoon. I’m still on the boat.  I went to the bathroom and there’s a surprise in there. What is it? Will I make it to America? Will I get some more clothes? Will we find out that man’s name is? What do you think of these funny cartoons? Find out the answers to all questions coming back the Funny One’s blog. Well I leave it here for tonight. Enjoy the cartoon.

#17 I’m On A Boat Part 6

Funny One Cartoon

Hello Funny One here. Today I went to the cinema with my mom to see “Hotel Transylvania” again. It was the last showings today. I’ve seen it six times now. Andy Samberg is just so funny.  He was great as Jonathan.  I loved the zing song. Andy Samberg has a great voice. Anyways, I drew another funny one cartoon. I’ve fallen asleep in the bed. Why didn’t I bring anything with me? I don’t have a passport with me. Will I get to stay in America? How many more of these funny cartoons will I do? To find out you’ll have to check the blog again. Anyways, I’ll finish here for now.

#16 I’m on a boat part 5

I’m Still On The Boat

Hello Funny One here. I’ve done another funny one cartoon. I’m on a boat part 4 and I’m still on the boat. Hurrah! I’ll be doing part 5 tomorrow. Will I still be on the boat tomorrow? Will I make it to America? Will I get some clothes to fit? come back tomorrow to find out. Anyways, I’ll leave it here for tonight.

#15 I’m On A Boat Part 4