Crack Smoking mayor Of Toronto

The Funny one is not feeling too well, so Miss Loca is here to the rescue!
New Year’s Eve… Many people love to go to a good party. So does Toronto’s mayor, Rob Ford. He loves having a good time and generally having fun! What do you think he’ll be up to? Your guess is as good as mine… Miss Loca x

funnyone - miss loca- mayor ford

Canadian Affair Finale

Hello Funny One here with the last part to Canadian Affair. I hope you like it.

#62 Canadian Affair Part 7

funnyone - canadian affair part 7

Can Dudley Do-Right Save The Funny One?

Hello Funny One here with another funny one cartoon. It’s part 6, Enjoy.

#61 Canadian Affair Part 6

funnyone - canadian affair part 6

The last part will be tomorrow. I’ll finish here for now.

Dudley Do-Right A Steps Fan?

Hello Funny One here with part 4 of Canadian Affair. Enjoy!

#59 Canadian Affair Part 4

funnyone - canadian affair part 4

Snidely Whiplash wanted the gold from the gold rush, instead Dudley Do-Right gave him gold things he owns. He used the gold to buy steps memorabilia. he is then hit over the head and is unconscious. A mother is with her son, she thinks he’s a drunk. What will happen next? Where is the Funny One? Why Do I need to explain the cartoon just below it? Not sure? To get a higher word count? Anyways, to find out what will happen next, come back tomorrow.

Funny Gold

Hello Funny One here. today is part 3. Enjoy!

#58 Canadian Affair Part 3


Dudley do-Right has given Snidely Whiplash some gold but it’s the wrong gold. He wanted real gold but Dudley just gave him gold things. A gold medallion, gold thong, some gold coins, a gold candlestick holder and the steps gold greatest hits album. what will happen next? Find out tomorrow. I’ll finish here for tonight.

Funny One In Canada

Hello Funny One here with the second part to Canadian Affair. I hope you like it.

#57 Canadian Affair Part 2

funnyone - canadian affair part 2

Snidely Whiplash has kidnapped me. Where am I? Can Dudley Do Right save me? How many more parts are there to this story? Find out tomorrow or another day.
Anyways, I’ll finish here for now.

Canadian Affair

Hello Funny One here. Today I’ve decided to visit Canada in the funny one cartoon. It’s part 1, enjoy!

#56 Canadian Affair Part 1


In the cartoon I’ve been given a free holiday to Canada. Great! Who wouldn’t want a free holiday? Dudley Do-Right was supposed to meet me and take me to the surprise party. He forgot. Snidely Whiplash met with me instead. Where will he take me? To find out, come back tomorrow. I’ll finish here for now.

Movie Review – Life Of Pi

Hello Funny One here. Today I went to the cinema with my sister to see the movie “Life Of Pi”. It’s really good. they special effects are amazing. It look awesome in 3D. I would have to give this movie 5 stars.


funnyone - life of pi

You Tranny Be funny

Hello Funny One here with some funny pictures of transvestites. The first one is of Justin Bieber. Today is her period and she is wearing extra absorbent sanitary pads. She didn’t want anyone to know. Well it’s not that obvious is it. Hehehehehe!

And the second picture is of Adela Hernandez, 48, who is from Cuba. Hernandez, a Cuban man who has dressed up as a female since childhood. He  served two years in prison in the 1980s for “dangerousness” after her own family denounced her sexuality. This month she made history by becoming the first known transgender person to hold public office in Cuba, winning election as a delegate to the municipal government of Caibarien in the central province of Villa Clara. There was a ban of pink clothing at the public office, and that has now been lifted. Now Adela can be let in.

We Know All Your Secrets – Justin Bieber

Hello Funny One here. I had some problems with the computer yesterday so I couldn’t do my blog. There is another “We Know All Your Secrets” and it’s about Justin Bieber.

“We Know All Your Secrets”

Justin Bieber

On the first night of Justin Bieber’s world tour, he didn’t throw up once but threw up twice. After vomiting all over centre-stage, he blamed his digestive pyrotechnics on having drunk too much milk before the concert. Later the singer finally tweeted a reason for his vomiting, the explanation was a lame “Milk was a bad choice!” But we know the real reason for the vomiting. A unamed source claims that Justin Bieber is actually a girl and is pregnant. Also she doesn’t know who the father is.

I’ve also drawn two funny cartoons. One of me and the other is of Shia LaBeouf.

#1 alarm cock

#8 you’re no J Lo

Anyways, I’ll leave it here for now.