Dr Lewinn

Hello Funny One here with a celebrity exclusive. Devon Bostick from the Wimpy Kid series is to advertise the Dr Lewinn range. They saw Devon in the movies and thought him the perfect person to be in the ads. He has the right image for them. He’s been offered 1 million dollars. Of course he accepted. Who wouldn’t. Devon’s response was. Of course I’ll do it. 1 million dollars and free samples. When they first offered me the million I said I would think about it. Then the offered the free samples, that’s when I said yes. I’d be mad not to. Devon’s ads will be shown this summer.

funnyone - dr lewin

#84 Titanic – Ship Of Dreams Part 7

funnyone - titanic - ship of dreams part 7

I typed out the bolg and I accidently deleted it all and had to start all again. That’s so annoying. Well anyways, I’ll finish here for now.

Movie Exclusive – Tears Of Love

Hello Funny One here with a movie exclusive. Channing Tatum and Demi Moore are to star in a movie called “Tears Of Love”. Channing’s character goes to war and Demi’s gives him her tears in a vial so he can take them with him. She gives him as a gift so he won’t forget her. With sexy results!

funnyone - tears of love

well anyways, I’ll finish here for tonight.

Shreks And The City

Hello Funny One here. Heres a movie exclusive “Shreks And The City.”  Shrek moves to New York and gets a job at Vogue magazine. He is finally getting married to his Mr. Big. But his three best friends, Donkey, Gingerbread man and Puss must console him after one of them inadvertently leads Mr. Big to jilt him.

Rated R for strong sexual content, graphic nudity and language.

James Bond Exclusive

Hello Funny One here with another exclusive. George at Asda will have a limited edition James Bond Suit. The suit is stainless. Sweat actually cleans this suit. It’s the perfect suit for the ultimate spy.  The suit is £50. A steal, right? Don’t forget to see the movie. Skyfall is in cinemas now.

Force Of Chuck

Hello Funny  One here with another fragrance exclusive. Chuck Norris is to have one out. It’s called Force Of One. Chuck Norris is so manly, he doesn’t need to wear cologne. but you need to wear this. Force of Chuck.  Expendables 2 will be released on blu-ray and DVD on 10 December 2012. I can’t wait. It’s a brilliant movie.  It’s so awesome, everyone should watch it!

Shia LaBeouf Exclusive New Fragrance

Hello Funny One here again.Yeah, just a little, short, itty-bitty blurb.  I would love to a longer one, but I’m working on a really big, huge, enormous story. But I do have a Shia LaBeouf exclusive. He’s to have a fragrance out for christmas. Fancy a bit of bum cum? I meant bum chum. When you’re typing too fast you make mistakes. I hate that. Anyways, You bet your ass this is class. It’s the first fragrance that is peach colored and goes on clear. The fragrance smells like naked flesh, sweat and a lil hint of shite. (Also he calls his penis “little jimmy dickens”)

Mark Wahlberg Movie Exclusive

Hello Funny One here with a movie exclusive. Mark Wahlberg is to star in “Vertigay” which is a gay remake of the movie “vertigo”. Also starring in this movie is Shia Labeouf and singer Justin Bieber. At school Mark Wahlberg was voted most likely to get Aids. He has also been voted sexy beefcake of the year in the gay magazine  “Bum Chums.”

The plot of the story is. After a rooftop chase in which his latent acrophobia results in the death of a police officer, San Francisco detective John “Scottie” Ferguson retires, spending much of his time with his ex-partner Mark Wood. Scottie tries to gradually conquer his fear but Mark suggests that a threesome may be the only cure. An acquaintance, Gavin Elster, asks Scottie to tail his husband, Edward, claiming he has been possessed by the devil. Scottie reluctantly agrees. The next day Scottie follows Edward to a florist where he steals a bouquet of pansies; next, he visits the grave of Carlos Valdes; then he enters the Gay Jim Hotel, but when Scottie investigates, he is missing and the clerk insists he has not been there. Mark takes Scottie to a local history expert, who informs them Carlos Valdes tragically committed suicide by washing the toaster while it was still plugged in. Another visit with Gavin reveals Carlos is Edwards great-grandfather, who Gavin fears is the devil and possessing Edward. Gavin also says Edward has no knowledge of Carlos. Scottie tails Edward to Fort Point, which is beneath the Golden Gate Bridge. where he suddenly leaps into San Francisco bay. Scottie rescues Edward and takes him to his home. The meeting is tense and leads to a strange intimacy between them, but Edward quickly slips out when Scottie receives a sexy phone call. The next day Scottie follows Edward to his own house, where he is hand-delivering a thank-you note to him for rescuing him, and they decide to spend the day together because Scottie fears Edward might attempt suicide again. Edward tells him about his nightmares. Edward suddenly runs into the church and up the bell tower. Scottie, halted on the steps by vertigo and paralyzing fear, watches as Edward plunges to his death. An inquest declares Edward’s death a suicide, but Scottie feels ashamed that his weakness rendered him incapable of preventing someone’s death. Gavin does not fault Scottie, but in the following weeks Scottie becomes depressed. While undergoing treatment in a sanatorium, he becomes mute, haunted by vivid nightmares. Although Mark visits, his condition remains unchanged. After release, Scottie haunts the places that Edward visited, often imagining that he sees him. One day, he spots a man who reminds him of Edward, despite the man’s less elegant dress and heavier makeup. Scottie follows the man to his hotel room, where he identifies himself as Jim Barton from Kansas. Though initially suspicious and defensive, Jim eventually agrees to join Scottie for dinner.


Hello Funny One here. Lassie felt up kids. Pal the male dog who played the bitch lassie in “Lassie come home” is at the center of sexual assault claims. For legal reasons we can’t use their names. An old woman claims he touched her up as a child, “he put his paw on me. It lingered there for too long. At the time I didn’t think anything of it but when I think back to it he was lusting after me. the way he looked at me with his tongue hanging out. It wasnt natural.” An old man also claims to be the victim of the sex fiend. “He sniffed and liked my wiener. He wanted to have sex with me.” An investigation is going on and many more people are coming forward to accuse the dog, they’ll also get the big compensation money.

Brad Pitt is advertising  the Chanel No5 perfume. In the advert he does a monologue. I don’t get it. Why a man advertising a womans perfume. From Marilyn Monroe, Nicole Kidman and Audrey Tautou to Brad Pitt. I thought Chanel would have made a better choice, no offence. I think that Angelina Jolie would have been a better choice. She’s glamorous and a talented actress.