Funny One 2012

Hello Funny One here. I thought I would just review some of my pictures from this year. I know I haven’t been on that long, just a few months.

This picture is of me and Andy Samberg in Hawaii. I just thought it would look funny if Andy was being the creep and sneaking up on me.

funnyone - hawaii

Goofy with beach boobs. There are no words for that.

funnyone - florida

Me at a rodeo. That would happen to me. Hehehehehe!

funnyone - texas

This picture is of me and Andy Samberg again. Captain Underpants is from Ohio. I just thought this would look really funny.

funnyone - ohio1

This is of me in a bath filled of cola. that would be pretty awesome. Sticky, but awesome.

funnyone - georgia cokebath

This is me on Venus. My most like picture. 7 likes. I guess I didn’t do too bad with this picture then.

funnyone - venus

This is me on Neptune. I like the idea of drawing a picture all in blue. I thought it didn’t look too bad. What do you think?

funnyone - neptune

This is one of my funny one cartoons. I know it’s a mad idea but one of my favorites.

funnyone's gonna fly now

Another one of my favorites. wouldn’t it be cool if you could send yourself by e-mail. I would only end up in the junk mail though. Hehehehehe!

funnyone - you've got mail

This is probably my favorite picture. I wanted to get the lighting just right. I think it’s not bad.

funnyone - family meeting - cuckoo

Mitt Romney shooting big bird. I drew that one really quickly and don’t think it’s that bad.

funnyone - mitt romney shot big bird down

A good fuck for good luck. I love this picture. My family love it too. My sister, Miss Loca said it’s one her favorite’s.

mitt romney & lindsay lohan

I just like to draw Andy Samberg. I love the episode with the cat. So funny!

funnyone - grandfather's cat

This is what Andy Samberg would loo like as a character from Diary Of A Wimpy Kid. Cool! He looks great!

funyone - wimpy andy samberg

I’m really happy with this picture of President Obama.

funnyone - president obama

This is my favorite part of the funny one boat series.

funnyone - i'm on a boat part 4

This is of Andy Samberg in the movie Celeste And Jesse Forever. Andy was amazing in that movie.

funnyone - celeste and jesse forever

The Days Never End on Mercury

Hello, It’s the Funny One. As I’ve finished doing the glourious 50 states of America, I thought I’d do something different. I thought I’d go out of this world and draw the planets. The picture is of me on Mercury. It’s like a cartoon picture as anything is possible in cartoons.

What do we know about Mercury? Well, Mercury and Venus can each make appearances in Earth’s sky both as a morning star and an evening star because they are closer to the sun than the Earth. At times, Mercury can technically be regarded as a very bright object when viewed from Earth; but its proximity in the sky to the Sun makes it more difficult to see than Venus. Did you know that the sun appears 2 and a half times larger in Mercury’s sky compared to the Earth’s? Mercury has almost no atmosphere. It has a very small amount of it and it consists of minute quantities of Hydrogen, Oxygen, Sodium, Potassium and argon. A day on Mercury is equivalent to 176 Earth Days. Now that’s a long day! Even though Mercury is the closest planet to the sun, it’s not the warmest. (That’s Venus!) Mercury can actually be one of the coldest planets in the solar system. Mercury orbits around the sun in a wild non-circular orbit that takes it as close as 47 million km and as far as 70 million km from the Sun. Mercury was named after the Roman mythological messenger god. In Roman mythology, he was the god of commerce and rhetoric, who also acted as a messenger between humans and gods. His symbol is the caduceus which is a winged staff entwined with two serpents. Mercury is one of four terrestrial planets in the solar system, and has a rocky form like the Earth. It’s surface resembles the moon’s. The largest known crater is the Caloris Basin and it’s diameter is 1,550 km.


New York is One in a Million

Hello, it’s the Funny One here. Today it’s the last state, New York. I have no idea what I’ll do now. The picture is of me dressed like the Statue of Liberty. Me and my sister went there last year. I got vertigo while climbing up it. You can buy tickets in advance on their website or in person at the box office near the ferry departure points. Here’s the website: There are also Liberty Helicopters Sightseeing Tours. The Big Apple tour is 15 minutes or you can go on the NY tour which is 20 minutes. It costs $30.00 per person.

We saw the Empire State Building, We didn’t actually go in but we did walk past it and got some photos taken of it. It has two observatories, and an open air terrace on the 86th floor that contains an indoor viewing gallery for chillier days. Outside, they have high-powered binoculars so you’ll get a great view of the city. The other Observatory is on the 102nd floor. It’s the highest public point in New York City. Maybe one day I’ll get over my vertigo and go.

Like I said in my first blog, me and my sister went on the tour of the NBC building. It was amazing. The staff there were making jokes. It must be really fun to work there. I hope that one day I’m lucky enough to be on Saturday Night Live. I love it! We also saw the Radio City Music Hall. We didn’t go in but we went to a shop that’s opposite it (and, yes, we got photos!)They do have a tour of the building where you can see the theater, lounges and corridors of the most iconic theater in New York!; The Rockefeller Center, with soaring views of Top of the Rock to a backstage pass at NBC Studios, every tour at Rockefeller Center will bring you inside and behind-the-scenes of to some of the city’s most beloved treasures. Rock n Roll baby!

On our trip, we managed to visit the FDNY Fire Zone and saw some of the tools and equipment they use. They’re so big and heavy-looking! We also tried on some firefighter jackets, too. They also have a model fire truck there and we took pictures of us in it. Now, for all you souvenir-savvy travellers, they have a gift shop (check out the HOT calendars!!!!). I couldn’t go there without getting a souvenir (a notebook and pen, for writing down all my crazy ideas!)

We also saw Times Square. It really is amazing. There was also a huge ads for The Lonely Island album Turtleneck And Chain, when we went, which was very distracting. I kept seeing that picture almost everywhere on the top of the cabs. That album was released on the last day we were there so I was lucky enough to buy it before going to the airport. Unfortunately when I returned to Scotland there was a crack on the cover. Shit! I guess that’s what you call a cracking album!!!

There’s the Museum of Comic and Cartoon Art. Every genre of the is represented: comic strips, animation, caricature, graphic novels, humorous illustration, anime, illustration, comic books, cartoons, political illustration, sports cartoons, computer-generated art, editorial cartoons and gag cartoons. Cool! That would be interesting to visit.

The Guggenheim Museum, from October 5th to January 23rd there will be an exhibition which focuses in-depth on Pablo Picasso’s exploration of a black-and-white palette. There are 110 works, including paintings as well as some sculptures and several works on paper. And, yes, there’s a gift shop, too! They sell cool bright Urbanears Headphones. There is also the Wright restaurant where you can have Organic Scottish Salmon Tartare Avacado and Cucumbers, Salmon Caviar and a wine. Or there is Cafe 3 where you can get a beer and a sandwich. Both sound good to me.

Staying with food there’s the Slice of Brooklyn Bus Tours. The tour is 4 1/2 hours which covers pizza and Brooklyn. You’ll get award-winning Neapolitan-style pizza at Grimaldi’s under the Brooklyn Bridge, the legendary Sicilian-style pizza at L&B Spumoni Gardens in Bensonhurst. The tour includes seeing the locations from movies that were filmed in Brooklyn such as Scent of a Woman, Annie Hall and Goodfellas and many more movies.

The New York City Police Museum has a permanent multi-media exhibit that “keeps track of the extraordinary role that the NYPD played in response to September 11, 2001. There are on-camera interviews, striking photographs, and numerous Ground Zero artifacts.” The exhibit tells of the dramatic and remarkable story of New York’s Finest, through their own words from their experiences. There’s also the Hall of Heroes that honors the brave men and women who have served nobly,  placing their responsibility to the City before all other matters. Gift shop, too!

There’s the United Nations Headquarters, We didn’t go in but we did get some photos of it. There are FREE exhibits at the Visitors Lobby which feature photographic, art, and multimedia presentations by world-renowned photographers, artists and global institutions on varied topics such as climate change, human rights, malaria, children in armed conflict, plus lots more. It’s free to see these exhibits and the galleries can be viewed daily from 9:30 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. You can also get a guided tour of the building (remember, the visitors’ entrance closes at 4:45 p.m.) They’ve also got a Coffee Shop, UN Bookshop, UN Gift Shop and other shops. UN-believeable!

Who wants to know where some movie locations are? I do! Did you know that some of the movie Godfather was filmed in New York? Michael Corleone and his fiancée, Kay stayed at the St. Regis Hotel. The baptism scene in the Godfather was filmed in the Old Cathedral, also was the scene in Godfather Part 3 where Michael Corleone receives an honor from the church. It was also used in a scene from Martin Scorsese’s movie Mean Streets. It was the set in the cathedral’s walled graveyard. 128 Mott Street,  New York is where Vito Corleone’s attempted assassination took place. The hotel from the movie Home Alone 2 – Lost in New York is the Plaza hotel where I’ve always wanted to stay in there ever since I first saw the movie. One day I will.
