Valentine’s Day

Hello Funny One here again. Today is valentine’s day. I would have liked to have been with a sexy guy, well maybe next year I might be lucky. Hehehehe! Didn’t do much today, but I did get some bargains online though. I hope I can do some more writing tomorrow and some pictures too. Well I hope everone had a good valentine’s day, I’ll finish here for tonight.

funnyone - family meeting - cuckoo

funnyone - valentine's day

Funny One 2012

Hello Funny One here. I thought I would just review some of my pictures from this year. I know I haven’t been on that long, just a few months.

This picture is of me and Andy Samberg in Hawaii. I just thought it would look funny if Andy was being the creep and sneaking up on me.

funnyone - hawaii

Goofy with beach boobs. There are no words for that.

funnyone - florida

Me at a rodeo. That would happen to me. Hehehehehe!

funnyone - texas

This picture is of me and Andy Samberg again. Captain Underpants is from Ohio. I just thought this would look really funny.

funnyone - ohio1

This is of me in a bath filled of cola. that would be pretty awesome. Sticky, but awesome.

funnyone - georgia cokebath

This is me on Venus. My most like picture. 7 likes. I guess I didn’t do too bad with this picture then.

funnyone - venus

This is me on Neptune. I like the idea of drawing a picture all in blue. I thought it didn’t look too bad. What do you think?

funnyone - neptune

This is one of my funny one cartoons. I know it’s a mad idea but one of my favorites.

funnyone's gonna fly now

Another one of my favorites. wouldn’t it be cool if you could send yourself by e-mail. I would only end up in the junk mail though. Hehehehehe!

funnyone - you've got mail

This is probably my favorite picture. I wanted to get the lighting just right. I think it’s not bad.

funnyone - family meeting - cuckoo

Mitt Romney shooting big bird. I drew that one really quickly and don’t think it’s that bad.

funnyone - mitt romney shot big bird down

A good fuck for good luck. I love this picture. My family love it too. My sister, Miss Loca said it’s one her favorite’s.

mitt romney & lindsay lohan

I just like to draw Andy Samberg. I love the episode with the cat. So funny!

funnyone - grandfather's cat

This is what Andy Samberg would loo like as a character from Diary Of A Wimpy Kid. Cool! He looks great!

funyone - wimpy andy samberg

I’m really happy with this picture of President Obama.

funnyone - president obama

This is my favorite part of the funny one boat series.

funnyone - i'm on a boat part 4

This is of Andy Samberg in the movie Celeste And Jesse Forever. Andy was amazing in that movie.

funnyone - celeste and jesse forever

Movie Review – Celeste And Jesse Forever

Hello Funny One here. Yesterday I went to the cinema to see the movie “Celeste And Jesse Forever”. It’s a great movie. There are some funny moments but it’s not really a comedy. It’s about a married couple Jesse and Celeste, who are going through a divorce but are trying to remain friends while openly pursuing new relationships. Rashida Jones wrote and stars in it. She did a good performance in it. She looked funny when she was dressed up like a cat lady. Elijah Wood is funny trying to be her gay best friend. Andy Samberg was amazing in it. He’s a really talented actor. I’m not used to seeing him be serious. He is great though. I loved when Jesse was trying to buy an IKEA dresser. He couldn’t do it. That was so funny. I give this movie 5 stars. It’s a shame they didn’t show it long at the cinemas. I didn’t really know why they were getting divorced though. I thought that was crazy. I wouldn’t divorce an awesome man. Anyways, that’s just me. The movie was great. Can’t wait for it to be released on DVD.


funnyone - celeste and jesse forever

Funny One Watching Movies

Hello Funny One here.Today I went to the cinema with my sister to see the movie “Celeste And Jesse Forever”. I’ll write more about that tomorrow. I did think Andy Samberg was amazing. He’s really talented. I’m not used to seeing him play serious though. In the evening I watched the Defender on DVD. That’s a great movie. Expendables is on TV right now. That’s another great movie. Anyways, I’m tired. I’ll watch the rest of the expendables then go to sleep. I’ll finish here for tonight.

funny one - laptop

Funny One Cartoon

Hello Funny One here. Today I went to the cinema with my mom to see “Hotel Transylvania” again. It was the last showings today. I’ve seen it six times now. Andy Samberg is just so funny.  He was great as Jonathan.  I loved the zing song. Andy Samberg has a great voice. Anyways, I drew another funny one cartoon. I’ve fallen asleep in the bed. Why didn’t I bring anything with me? I don’t have a passport with me. Will I get to stay in America? How many more of these funny cartoons will I do? To find out you’ll have to check the blog again. Anyways, I’ll finish here for now.

#16 I’m on a boat part 5

Funny Novel

Hello Funny One here. Today I went to the cinema to see the movie “Hotel Transylvania” again. Andy Samberg is just so funny. He also has a great voice. Anyways, I didn’t have time today to draw another funny cartoon but I’ll do that tomorrow. Also I’ve written a novel so I’ll be going over that doing the rewrite. It took me about nine months to write it. Anyways, I’ll leave it here for now. I can’t wait to get back working on my book.

Funny One And The Creep

What are the Funniest Books?

Hello Funny One here. I just discovered the Bastarde books. Serge Bastarde Ate My Baguette: On the Road in Real Rural France and Son of Serge Bastarde: Mayhem in the Antiques Markets of Rural France. The first book, Serge Bastarde Ate My Baguette, John, who moves to France to start up as an antiques dealer, but he doesn’t count on meeting Serge Bastarde. The lovable rogue and brocanteur (secondhand goods dealer) offers to teach John the tricks of the trade in return for help in a series of corrupt schemes. As the pair travel through markets and farmhouses, they con hearty lunches from old peasants and get into scrapes with priceless collectibles. The book is filled with eccentric characters and unlikely adventures, this is a hilarious romp through the real rural France. The son of Serge Bastarde is about John’s unscrupulous yet affable partner in crime, Serge Bastarde, marries and moves to Martinique. But, like a bad penny, Serge returns, his personal life in ruins. What follows is a chaotic adventure which sees John being coerced into striking deals with the Romanian ‘mafia¡’, re-roofing a huge Basque house and getting trapped in a skip in the dead of night, while Serge rides an emotional roller coaster. Serge may be as fake as some of his antiques but, with John’s help, he eventually strikes gold in this laugh-out-loud romp. It makes me wonder if there are any other good funny books out there. I wouldn’t mind knowing. What are the funniest books? Well I love the Diary Of A Wimpy Kid series. So funny. Captain Underpants. George and Harold hypnotize their headteacher and accidentally create the greatest superhero in the history of their school — Captain Underpants! His real identity is so super secret that even HE doesn’t know who he is… but he’s fighting for truth, justice, and all things pre-shrunk and cottony!! Captain Underpants has wedgie-power on his side, and he’s coming your way! Super Diaper Baby is also super funny. A man is turned into a poo. I don’t know whats more funny than that? The Pirates! In an Adventure with Scientists is also a great book. It’s 1837, and the luxuriantly bearded Pirate Captain and his pirate crew, life on the high seas has gotten a little dull. They get bored and decide it’s time fort another adventure. A surprisingly successful boat raid leads them to the young Charles Darwin, in desperate need of their help. The pirates go to London in a bid to save the scientist from the evil machinations of an evil Bishop. I loved the movie. In the movie the Queen of England is in it instead of the evil bishop. Also another funny book is “The Twits” by Roald Dahl. Mr and Mrs Twit are extremely mean, so the Muggle-Wump monkeys and the Roly-Poly bird hatch a clever plan to give them just the horrifying surprise they deserve! J K Rowling’s new novel “The Casual Vacancy” is a dark comedy. I haven’t read it but I’ll be reading it soon. What are the funniest books? If anyone knows of any good humor books then I would love to know about them. Anyways, I thought as I’m writing about funny books I thought I would turn myself into a wimpy kid character. I also turned Andy Samberg into one too. Hehehehe!

funnyone - wimpy andy samberg

Star Wars Episode VII

Hello Funny One here. It was on the news recently that George Lucas sold Star Wars on to Disney. They’ll be three more movies. Star Wars Episode VII will be the sequel to Star Wars Episode VI: Return of the Jedi. It has  an expected release date of 2015. It will be the first Star Wars movie to be produced following the retirement of George Lucas from Lucasfilm. Anyways I thought I’d make some crazy suggestions of who should be in the movies. Andy Samberg could be Hans Solo and I could play Princess Leia. Hehehehe! I know pretty crazy, right?! Anyways I’ll leave it here for now.

Cuckoo : 6. The Wedding

Hello Funny One here. I’m going to talk about the last episode of cuckoo. Rachel and Cuckoo discover that their nude Thai ceremony on the beach wasn’t quite as official as they thought. In fact, they are not legally married. I was so excited to watch the last episode of cuckoo but was disappointed. It was ok but wasn’t as good as the other episodes. The other episodes were more funny. Also I don’t like Steve. Why would anyone hate Cuckoo? Anyways, Andy Samberg was good. He’s always though. The episode before, Connie sings was really funny and this was a bit of a let down. I did e-mail the BBC to ask when Cuckoo would be out on DVD and apparently there are no plans for it to be released. That’s shit. I don’t mind about the last episode but the other five were hilarious. Anyways, if you thought Andy was funny you should watch some of his movies like Hot Rod and I Love You, Man. He is so funny. Anyways, I’ll leave it here for now.

The Gentlemen of Yale

Hello Funny One here. Today I thought I’d draw Dale Ashbrick. The Gentlemen of Yale singing “Don’t You Want Me Baby” was so funny. That should definitely be released as a single. Who else thinks it should be a single? It would mean that something good might actually get in the charts. It’s so awesome. I can’t get it out of my head. Andy Samberg is so funny. Here’s the link to watch Dale Ashbrick singing again. But this isn’t the same one that was in the tv series. Cuckoo didn’t have facial hair and wasn’t wearing glasses in that version but the one on the bbc website he is. But it’s still awesome!