Funny One 2012

Hello Funny One here. I thought I would just review some of my pictures from this year. I know I haven’t been on that long, just a few months.

This picture is of me and Andy Samberg in Hawaii. I just thought it would look funny if Andy was being the creep and sneaking up on me.

funnyone - hawaii

Goofy with beach boobs. There are no words for that.

funnyone - florida

Me at a rodeo. That would happen to me. Hehehehehe!

funnyone - texas

This picture is of me and Andy Samberg again. Captain Underpants is from Ohio. I just thought this would look really funny.

funnyone - ohio1

This is of me in a bath filled of cola. that would be pretty awesome. Sticky, but awesome.

funnyone - georgia cokebath

This is me on Venus. My most like picture. 7 likes. I guess I didn’t do too bad with this picture then.

funnyone - venus

This is me on Neptune. I like the idea of drawing a picture all in blue. I thought it didn’t look too bad. What do you think?

funnyone - neptune

This is one of my funny one cartoons. I know it’s a mad idea but one of my favorites.

funnyone's gonna fly now

Another one of my favorites. wouldn’t it be cool if you could send yourself by e-mail. I would only end up in the junk mail though. Hehehehehe!

funnyone - you've got mail

This is probably my favorite picture. I wanted to get the lighting just right. I think it’s not bad.

funnyone - family meeting - cuckoo

Mitt Romney shooting big bird. I drew that one really quickly and don’t think it’s that bad.

funnyone - mitt romney shot big bird down

A good fuck for good luck. I love this picture. My family love it too. My sister, Miss Loca said it’s one her favorite’s.

mitt romney & lindsay lohan

I just like to draw Andy Samberg. I love the episode with the cat. So funny!

funnyone - grandfather's cat

This is what Andy Samberg would loo like as a character from Diary Of A Wimpy Kid. Cool! He looks great!

funyone - wimpy andy samberg

I’m really happy with this picture of President Obama.

funnyone - president obama

This is my favorite part of the funny one boat series.

funnyone - i'm on a boat part 4

This is of Andy Samberg in the movie Celeste And Jesse Forever. Andy was amazing in that movie.

funnyone - celeste and jesse forever

Obama Wins Second Term In The White House

Hello Funny One here. President Obama won a second term in the White House Tuesday night, defeating challenger Mitt Romney by taking several key battleground states and denying him any inroads in traditional Democratic bastions. That’s great! Anyways, I started a picture of Obama but haven’t finished it yet. I’ll put that up tomorrow. Anyways, It’s awesome that Obama is in for four more years! I’ll finish here for now.

Funny One - New York

Crazy Mormons Beliefs

Hello Funny One here. The US Elections are soon, Mitt Romney’s a Mormon. Do we know anything about the Mormons? They have some crazy beliefs. Here are some of them.

10. Mormons have to pay one-tenth of all their interest annually.

9. No coffee, no drugs, no tobacco.

8. Apparently everyone on Earth has a spirit in the pre-existence. When you die, your spirit is separated from your body. If you were good you would go to “spirit paradise.” If you were bad you would go to “spirit prison.” The spirit world exists as a place for spirits to go while awaiting the second coming.

7.  Almost everyone who knows anything about the Mormon religion knows they have a prophet. What many don’t know, is anything that the prophet says in official capacity is considered official canon.

6. The Mormons believe that Jesus visited America.

5.  Mormons believe that God, Jesus and resurrected beings have bodies of “flesh and bone.”

4. In the LDS religion any worthy male can be given the priesthood and is given specific duties. Black people were not allowed to have the priesthood until 1978. Females are not allowed to have the priesthood.

3. Mormons believe that there are three heavens: the Celestial Kingdom, Terrestrial Kingdom, and Telestial Kingdom. The Celestial is the highest, where God and the ones who followed his law reside. The Terrestrial is the middle, where people who followed the Law of Moses reside. The Telestial is the lowest, where the ones who followed carnal law reside.

2.  Mormons believe that you can be forgiven for any sin, save two. First, denying the Holy Spirit, and second, murder.  Also, God is infinitely forgiving, until the second coming. After that, you end up where you end up, no matter what. There are no second chances. Period.

1. Mormons believe that God created multiple worlds and each world has people living on it. They also believe that multiple gods exist but each has their own universe. We are only subject to our God and if we obtain the highest level of heaven we can become gods ourselves.

Crazy. Anyways, I’ll leave it here for now.

Mitt Romney and Lindsay Lohan

Hello Funny One here. Did you know that Lindsay Lohan is backing Mitt Romney? When asked if about the election she said, “I just think employment is really important right now. So, as of now, Mitt Romney. Four years ago, Lindsay Lohan referred to Obama’s Presidential victory as  “amazing,” but now it seems the “Mean Girls” star has had a serious change of heart. Lohan also hinted at secretive underlying reasons for supporting the GOP  candidate and turning her back on Obama under wraps. “It’s a long story, but you’re going to have to wait for that,” she remarked,  adding that she would have liked to watch the Ryan vs. Biden debate. And this isn’t the first raving political move Lohan has made in recent  weeks. Last month, the problematic actress went as far as to tweet the President  requesting he “cut taxes for those who need it: middle-class families, small  businesses” as well as “those that are listed on Forbes as ‘millionaires’.” Her ever-changing hair color is another lengthy story. “It’s actually the wrong color than it’s supposed to be,” said Lohan. “But it’s the color of my natural hair and it will get there.” I don’t get it, What does that mean? Anyways I’ll leave it here. I have drawn a picture of what may have changed her mind to now vote for Romney.

It’s not Wall Street you have to worry about, it’s Sesame Street

Hello Funny One here. It’s been on the news recently about Mitt Romney and big bird. As part of a fundraising appeal, the Obama campaign has claimed that Mitt Romney wants to kill Big Bird in order to pay for tax cuts for the rich. “Save Big Bird! Vote Democratic,” the Obama Web site has declared. The appeal comes as the Obama campaign also launched a satirical ad highlighting Romney’s mention of the Sesame Street character during the first presidential debate. The latest tongue-in-cheek ad shows pictures of notoriously corrupt financial figures ,Bernie Madoff, Ken Lay and Dennis Kozlowski and states that there is an “evil genius” who towered over them. “One man has the guts to speak his name,” says the narrator, with the ad then flashing to Romney saying “Big Bird” repeatedly followed by Big Bird cheerfully saying his own name. “Mitt Romney knows it’s not Wall Street you have to worry about, it’s Sesame Street,” the implication of the ad. The ad ends with a cute shot of Big Bird in his nest, with his teddy bear, sleeping: “Mitt Romney, taking on our enemies no matter where they nest.” “Elmo, you better make a run for it!” Barack Obama joked at a campaign event. I’ll leave it here. last thing to say on it, Barack Obama takes out Bin Laden, Mitt Romney takes out big bird.