Funny One Praying

Hello Funny One here. Today’s picture is of the funny one praying. Here are some Bible Verses for those in prison.

“I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me.”
Matthew 25:36

“And it shall come to pass that everyone who calls upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.”
Acts 2:21

“Remember those who are in prison, as though you were in prison with them.”
Hebrews 13:3

“And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain: for the former things are passed away.”
Revelation 21:4

“If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.”
1 John 1:9

“And he is the propitiation for our sins: and not for ours only, but also for [the sins of] the whole world.”
1 John 2:2

“Blessed is the man who remains steadfast under trial, for when he has stood the test he will receive the crown of life, which God has promised to those who love him.”
James 1:12

“Be strong and of good courage, do not fear nor be afraid of them; for the Lord your God, He is the One who goes with you. He will not leave you nor forsake you.”
Deuteronomy 31:6

“Because, if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.”
Romans 10:9

“say to those with fearful hearts,
“Be strong, do not fear;
your God will come,
he will come with vengeance;
with divine retribution
he will come to save you.”
Isaiah 35:4

“So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.”
Isaiah 41:10

“Show me your ways, O LORD, teach me your paths; guide me in your truth and teach me, for you are God my Savior, and my hope is in you all day long. Remember, O LORD, your great mercy and love, for they are from of old. Remember not the sins of my youth and my rebellious ways; according to your love remember me, for you are good, O LORD.”
Psalm 25:4-7

“The LORD is my light and my salvation- whom shall I fear? The LORD is the stronghold of my life- of whom shall I be afraid?”
Psalm 27:1

The Prisoners Week Prayer

Lord, you offer freedom to all people.
We pray for those who are held in prison.
Break the bonds of fear and isolation that exist.
Support with your love: prisoners, their families and friends,
prison staff, chaplains and all who care.
Heal those who have been wounded by the activities of others,
especially the victims of crime.
Help us to forgive one another, to act justly, to love mercy,
and walk humbly together with Christ
in his strength and in his Spirit,
now and every day.

funnyone - funny one praying

Goodbye Angelica

Hello Funny One here. I’m now on chapter 14 on my rewrite. I’ve also did another funny one cartoon. I’m going to finish now so I can watch the movie ‘Hot Rod’ on TV.

#118 Funny One And The Chocolate Factory Part 18
funnyone - funny one and the chocolate factory part 18

The Chocolate Room

Hello Funny One here. I did a bit more of my rewriting today. I’m over half way through chapter 12. Not only do I want some tapas but I really can’t wait to get it published. I’m not really bothered if I make a lot of money or not. I just would like to have written a great story that people will like. Anyways, I did another funny one cartoon. We’re in the chocolate room. Mmmmm chocolate. Who wouldn’t want to go in there. I know a lot of people say they only eat healthy food but we all want a bit of chocolate too.

#112 Funny One And The Chocolate Factory Part 12
funnyone - funny one and the chocolate factory part 12

Dudley ‘Nibbles’ from Albania has jumped in the chocolate river. I can’t swim but I would do that. I would drink all the chocolate. I wouldn’t mind some chocolate now. I’m going to look for some chocolate, I’ll finish here for now.

Fool’s gold

Hello Funny One here. Yesterday I wrote that I’d tell you how the key lime pie was. It was great. I only wish there was more if it. I did have to use a lot of coloring for it though. Anyways, today I did more of my rewrite. I’m half way through chapter 11. I hope to do more tomorrow. I would love to talk about it. I wonder if anyone will want to read it? I hope so. Also today I did another funny one cartoon. You’d rather see silly pictures of celebrities? If you do there are some ones of Justin Bieber, Shia LaBeouf, Mark Wahlberg and some other celebrities on my blog. There are also more funny one cartoons. Well anyways, here is todays cartoon.

#108 Funny One And The Chocolate Factory Part 8
funnyone - funny one and the choclate factory part 8

Miss Loca has returned. Also the last ticket was a fake. I may still win a golden ticket. To find out, come back tomorrow. I’ll finish here for now.

Director Funny

Hello Funny One here. Today I filmed my sister doing some monologues. I don’t think I did too bad. My sister did great. She’s a mixture of Meryl Streep and Kate Winslet. I also did another funny one cartoon. I even drew my sister (Miss Loca) in it. She’s the one I filmed today. I hope you like it. Here it is.

#102 Funny One And The Chocolate Factory Part 2
funnyone - funny one and the chocolate factory part 2

So I didn’t win this time, but I still have my chocolate. Mmmmm chocolate. I don’t know why but right now I would really like to have a glass of red wine and some french fries. That would be great! Well anyways, I’ll finish here for now.

Mormon Dress Code

Hello Funny One here. The world would be a really scary place if we all followed the “Mormon dress code.” And they are very strict. Here are some pictures of “Mormon approved clothes” and clothes are deemed “evil”. There is only one Mormon in these pictures and it’s not me!

In the “Modest Clothing” picture, you see I’m wearing an ugly brown dress. It looks like a sack of potatoes. There’s nothing good about it. I wouldn’t wear it even if I was given a million pounds. According to the “MDC”, all females must wear modest clothing at all times and never dress attractively as it “shows weakness for them to attract a male with her looks,“ and she should “use her mind to attract a man.” Does that mean using telepathic thoughts? I’m pretty sure that’ll never work (unless they know something and aren’t telling us!) A strapless gown is considered “evil” as it reveals too much flesh. It’s slutty to show off your shoulders. No Mormon women would ever be allowed to wear such “slutwear” It is most definitely unapproved. Men also have to follow the rules, too. In the “Modest Clothing” pic, the blonde Mormon is wearing a modest suit, which consists of a boring shirt and tie. Don’t get me started on the pants. These are pleated pants with self-belt are in the color poo.

funnyone - mormon3

In the picture of “Evil clothing” I’m wearing the “forbidden clothes”: hot pants, a spaghetti strap top with some cleavage on show and bright lipstick. I know what you’re thinking – that is so evil! I look like a dictator, or maybe even Satan! The rules for how women are to dress are absolutely NO skirts above the knee, absolutely NO cleavage and NEVER wear a spaghetti strap top, bikinis are never allowed, NO make up, NO heels over 3 inches and only buy clothes from your local thrift stores. I take it they don’t visit San Francisco much. What about the non-Mormon, in the “Evil Clothing” picture? He is wearing tight shorts, clearly showing off what package he has. The huge bulge in his shorts will “give females thoughts of a sexual nature.”, just as his t-shirt, with the slogan “Let’s get physical” would, too. Mormons would think he is implying he wants to have sex and that is “extremely evil.” Regarding grooming rules, men should keep their faces shaved, hair kept conservative and combed, and they must have clean nails. The unapproved Mormon haircut is to have wild shaggy hair which would tempt a woman. I can’t deny it, I would be very tempted. Hehehehe! The rules on the male dress code are that sometimes males can be scantily clad, however that is only acceptable when swimming. Remember, there is no reason why a man should be half naked before people. They will only have one thing on their minds – fornication.

funnyone - mormon1

As for underwear, the picture “Mormon Lingerie” shows me in some ugly, baggy, non-flattering underwear. I imagine it would be a nightmare to wear this stuff in the summer, you’ll be soaked in sweat. Yucky and smelly! They look so ugly. I wonder that if they buy all their clothes from thrift stores, would they also buy their underwear from there, too? That is just wrong! There is no way I’m buying used underpants. That’s disgusting! Someone farted in those panties! Yucky! Now back to the “Mormon Lingerie” picture. The Mormon is wearing the most ugly underwear I’ve ever seen in my life. Who the hell invented them? I want to know what they were thinking. I can’t look at it. It’s impossible for me to make a joke of them or even describe them. Words fail me right now.

funnyone - mormon2

In the “Devil’s Underwear” I’m wearing normal underwear which they would consider “very evil.” But those panties do look good. I think I’ll have to buy a pair of them. What about the non-Mormon, wearing normal underpants? The Mormon would think they were “sinful.” They’re definitely not evil, they’re just very distracting. I think they look great on him. I don’t know why they make such a big deal about underwear. Nobody can see what underwear a person is wearing with their clothes on.

funnyone - mormon4

Well anyways, I’ll finish here for now.

Funny One On The Oscars

Hello Funny One here and I’m going to talk about the Oscars. Best film went to Argo. Haven’t seen it. I’ve only seen 3 of out of the 9 movies nominated for best picture. I thought Lincoln was going to win. Best director went to Ang Lee for Life of Pi. That a great movie too. Best actor went to Daniel Day-Lewis for Lincoln. I’m so glad that Daniel Day-Lewis won best actor. He deserved it. He’s the first actor to win three Oscars. I’m disappointed that Lincoln didn’t win more awards. Best actress went to Jennifer Lawrence for Silver Linings Playbook. I thought she would win. Best supporting actor went to Christoph Waltz for Django Unchained. He was really good in Django Unchained. It was very different to his role in Inglourious Basterds. He’s a really great actor. Best supporting actress went to Anne Hathaway for Les Misérables. It was obvious she was going to win. Best foreign language film went to Amour. The only film I saw that was nominated was No. Best animated feature film went to Brave. Boring. Best original screenplay went to Django Unchained by Quentin Tarantino. That script was amazing. I’d love to be in one of his movies. But who wouldn’t though? Best adapted screenplay went to Argo by Chris Terrio. Best original score went to Life Of Pi. It was a really good soundtrack. Best original song went to Skyfall by Adele. Not a bad song. Cinematography went to Life Of Pi. I can see why it won. Editing went to Argo. Production design went to Lincoln. Well two Oscars are better than none. But Lincoln deserved more though. Costume design went to Anna Karenina. Boring. Sound editing went to Zero Dark Thirty and Skyfall. I didn’t know that two could win. Sound mixing went to Les Misérables. The sound wasn’t that great. Special Visual Effects went to Life Of Pi. They were great special effects. Make-up and hair went to Les Misérables. Why? Short animation went to Paperman. Documentary short subject went to Inocente. Short film went to Curfew. Documentary went to Searching For Sugarman. I got that one right. Well anyways I’ll finish here for now.

funnyone - daniel day-lewis with oscar

funnyone - sally field

funnyone - Amy Adams

funnyone - jessica chastain

funnyone - jane fonda

Oscar Predictions

Hello Funny One here. I’ve got m predictions for the Oscars. I think Lincoln will win a lot. It’s a great movie.

Best film

Best director
Steven Spielberg – Lincoln

Best actor
Daniel Day-Lewis – Lincoln

Best actress
Jennifer Lawrence – Silver Linings Playbook

Best supporting actor
Robert De Niro – Silver Linings Playbook

Best supporting actress
Anne Hathaway – Les Miserables

Best foreign language film
No (Chile)

Best animated feature film
Pirates! Band of Misfits

Best original screenplay
Django Unchained

Best adapted screenplay

Best original score
Lincoln – John Williams

Best original song
Pi’s lullaby (Life Of Pi)



Production design

Costume design

Sound editing
Life Of Pi

Sound mixing

Special Visual Effects
Life Of Pi

Make-up and hair
The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey

Short animation

Documentary short subject

Short film

Searching For Sugarman

funnyone - lincoln

funnyone - life of pi

funnyone - django unchained

funnyone - NO

The Last Stand

Hello Funny One here. Today I went to the cinema with my sisters to see The Last Stand again. It’s a really great movie! The acting is amazing. Arnie was great, but he’s always great though. Forest Whitaker and Eduardo Noriega were great. They were in another movie, vantage point. That’s a awesome movie. watch that one. As it’s valentine’s day soon I’m sure most women would want Eduardo Noriega in a pair of handcuffs.

funnyone - eduardo noriega

Movie Review – Parental Guidance

Hello Funny One here. Today I went to the cinema with my sister (Miss Loca) to see the movie “Parental Guidance”. Artie (Billy Crystal) and Diane (Bette Midler) agree to looking after their three grandkids when their parents have to leave town for work. There are problems when the kids’ 21st-century behavior collides with Artie and Diane’s old-school methods. It’s a really funny movie. It was so funny when the Barker paints Artie’s face. I drew a picture of that. There are lots of funny things that happen in the movie like when Barker pees when Tony Hawk is skating and he slips on it. So funny! A great family comedy everyone will love. I would have to give this 5 stars

