Fool’s gold

Hello Funny One here. Yesterday I wrote that I’d tell you how the key lime pie was. It was great. I only wish there was more if it. I did have to use a lot of coloring for it though. Anyways, today I did more of my rewrite. I’m half way through chapter 11. I hope to do more tomorrow. I would love to talk about it. I wonder if anyone will want to read it? I hope so. Also today I did another funny one cartoon. You’d rather see silly pictures of celebrities? If you do there are some ones of Justin Bieber, Shia LaBeouf, Mark Wahlberg and some other celebrities on my blog. There are also more funny one cartoons. Well anyways, here is todays cartoon.

#108 Funny One And The Chocolate Factory Part 8
funnyone - funny one and the choclate factory part 8

Miss Loca has returned. Also the last ticket was a fake. I may still win a golden ticket. To find out, come back tomorrow. I’ll finish here for now.

The Fish Wish

Hello Funny One here with yet another crazy and ridiculous attempt at getting into the United States Of America. Oner day I will succeed. But it just won’t be like the funny one cartoons though. Well anyways here is Fish Wish Part 1, Enjoy!

#73 The Fish Wish Part 1

funnyone - the wish fish part 1

Smelly Melly

Hello Funny One here. Today I haven’t done the funny one cartoon. I thought I’d have a break as it was my birthday. Instead I did a silly drawing of one of my sisters ex boyfriend. She made up this silly thing about him eating jelly in a welly. I never came up with it. “Smelly Melly in a welly, eating jelly, watching telly.” It was like years ago when she was at school. well anyways, I hope you like it, smelly Melly. Why did I put it up? Didn’t know what else to do. Did I ask if I could use it? No. She doesn’t like jokes. It’s all got to be serious. She’s not the sister I go to the cinema with.


Funny One 2012

Hello Funny One here. I thought I would just review some of my pictures from this year. I know I haven’t been on that long, just a few months.

This picture is of me and Andy Samberg in Hawaii. I just thought it would look funny if Andy was being the creep and sneaking up on me.

funnyone - hawaii

Goofy with beach boobs. There are no words for that.

funnyone - florida

Me at a rodeo. That would happen to me. Hehehehehe!

funnyone - texas

This picture is of me and Andy Samberg again. Captain Underpants is from Ohio. I just thought this would look really funny.

funnyone - ohio1

This is of me in a bath filled of cola. that would be pretty awesome. Sticky, but awesome.

funnyone - georgia cokebath

This is me on Venus. My most like picture. 7 likes. I guess I didn’t do too bad with this picture then.

funnyone - venus

This is me on Neptune. I like the idea of drawing a picture all in blue. I thought it didn’t look too bad. What do you think?

funnyone - neptune

This is one of my funny one cartoons. I know it’s a mad idea but one of my favorites.

funnyone's gonna fly now

Another one of my favorites. wouldn’t it be cool if you could send yourself by e-mail. I would only end up in the junk mail though. Hehehehehe!

funnyone - you've got mail

This is probably my favorite picture. I wanted to get the lighting just right. I think it’s not bad.

funnyone - family meeting - cuckoo

Mitt Romney shooting big bird. I drew that one really quickly and don’t think it’s that bad.

funnyone - mitt romney shot big bird down

A good fuck for good luck. I love this picture. My family love it too. My sister, Miss Loca said it’s one her favorite’s.

mitt romney & lindsay lohan

I just like to draw Andy Samberg. I love the episode with the cat. So funny!

funnyone - grandfather's cat

This is what Andy Samberg would loo like as a character from Diary Of A Wimpy Kid. Cool! He looks great!

funyone - wimpy andy samberg

I’m really happy with this picture of President Obama.

funnyone - president obama

This is my favorite part of the funny one boat series.

funnyone - i'm on a boat part 4

This is of Andy Samberg in the movie Celeste And Jesse Forever. Andy was amazing in that movie.

funnyone - celeste and jesse forever


Hello the Funny One is back. I’ve been watching “Cuckoo” again. I’ve wathed episode one three times. Andy Samberg is so funny. Cuckoo is a really likeable character. If he was real I would definately get on well with him. It was so funny when he said he wasn’t just him but that he was also everyone. I loved when he got woken up and he hist his father in law in the face. I also loved the scene where Cuckoo is mediating and he’s listening to whale music, his father in law walks in the room and Cuckoo tells him that he knew him in a previous life. He’s just so funny.  I could just watch Cuckoo non stop. I’d better leave it there. I can’t wait, there are five more episodes.

I drew another Funny One cartoon. Another crazy attempt at getting into America.

#7 Hot Ride

We Know All your Secrets – More Shia LaBeouf

Hello Funny One here. Tomorrow I’m going to London and won’t be able to do by blog until Friday. Anyways, I just watched “Cuckoo”.  Andy Samberg was so funny. He’s always funny though. He’s a comic genius. I would definitely love to work with him! I could be in a movie with him. One day.

Theres’ another “We know all your secrets.”

“We know all your secrets”

Shia LaBeouf

Did you know that even going to the dentist gives Shia a boner. It’s the sound of the dentist’s drill that does it for him. Some people get frightened, it just gets him excited.

And here’s another Funny One cartoon. Another failed attempt at getting to America.

#6 Return to sender

We know all your secrets – Shia LaBeouf

Hello Funny One here. I’ve drawn another funny one cartoon and I’ve also got funny celebrity secrets too. “We know all your secrets” It’s celebrities funny and embarrassing secrets revealed. The first one is of Shia LaBeouf.

“We know all your secrets”

Shia LaBeouf

Shia LaBeouf gets boners whenever he hears saxophone music. It gets him really excited. Apparently  he listened to some saxophone music for his new movie so he could get a real boner for a scene in it. He must get real excited when he goes on Saturday Night Live, as the theme has saxophone music. There will be more celebrity secrets. And they’ll be plenty more of Shia LaBeouf.

Here’s another Funny One cartoon.

#4 Funny One: You’ve got mail