Lost In The Post

Hello Funny One here with a new cartoon. Miss Loca is in this one. I don’t know if it’s funny or not. Anyways, here it is.

#232 Lost In The Post
funnyone - lost in the post

I’ve sent Miss Loca a letter but she didn’t get it. I used Royal Mail. That explains it. Hehehe!

Movie Review – Welcome To The Punch

Hello Funny One here. Today I went to the cinema with my sister to see the movie Welcome To The Punch. It’s about a former criminal, Jacob Sternwood (Mark Strong) He is forced to return to London from his Icelandic hideaway when his son is mixed up in a heist that had gone wrong. This gives detective Max Lewinsky (James McAvoy) one last chance at catching the man that he has always been after. As they face off, they start to discover a deeper conspiracy they both need to work out in order to survive… It’s a really good movie. The actors are really good. I thought the scene where Jacob finds his son was really well acted. Andrea Riseborough was good too. She doesn’t do cliché roles, she does different ones. I would give this movie 5 stars.

funnyone - welcome to the punch

Super Bowl Champions XLVII

Hello Funny One here. I watched the first half of the game and watched the repeat in the morning. It was awesome! Sports in britain isn’t as cool as it is in American. In Europe the sports stars think they are too good to speak to the fans. Anyways I thought the game was great, I’d love to be able to go to a super bowl game. Maybe one day I will. I have drawn a picture of one of the Ravens players with the trophy. Anyways, I hope you like it. I think I may draw some more picture of the super bowl. I didn’t have time to draw more today. Well anyways I’ll finish here for tonight.

funnyone - super bowl champions XLVII

Day 3 On The Ship

Hello Funny One here. Today me and my sister (Miss Loca) went to the Christmas market.  We were eating some Greek pastry and had some hot chocolate. We meet an Italian man. We talked with him for a bit. He is visiting Britain, he’s from Sicily. He asked our names. He thought I said my name was Cindy. My names not Cindy.

#31  I’m On A Boat Part 20

funnyone - i'm on a boat part 20

Johnny has the list of everyone on the boat  (who bought a ticket), The flying CD’s are made to kill. Who to kill? Who are the crazy men? Why a Justin Bieber CD? Find out more tomorrow. I’ll finish here for now.

Movie Review – Skyfall

Hello Funny One here. I didn’t have time today to do the Funny One cartoon. I’ll do it tomorrow. Anyways, Today me and my sister went to the cinema to see the movie “Skyfall”.  Bond’s mission is to get back a computer drive that has a list of British agents. He goes after the man and  Eve, an agent sent to assist Bond has them anciently shoots Bond. He falls into the river and is believed to be dead. A few months later,  M is she has to retire but she refuses to leave till the matter is resolved. as she returns to HQ to work on it, there’s an explosion. Bond returns, he hadn’t died, he was in hiding. He eventually learns that the man who has the computer drive, is someone from M’s past and who has it in for her. I thought the movie was great! Javier Bardem was great. It was so funny the scene where he feels James bonds thighs. Daniel Craig  and Judi Dench were great as well. I think everyone should see this movie. I think Javier Bardem should win an oscar for his performance in it. Anyways I give this movie 5 stars.


What are the Funniest Books?

Hello Funny One here. I just discovered the Bastarde books. Serge Bastarde Ate My Baguette: On the Road in Real Rural France and Son of Serge Bastarde: Mayhem in the Antiques Markets of Rural France. The first book, Serge Bastarde Ate My Baguette, John, who moves to France to start up as an antiques dealer, but he doesn’t count on meeting Serge Bastarde. The lovable rogue and brocanteur (secondhand goods dealer) offers to teach John the tricks of the trade in return for help in a series of corrupt schemes. As the pair travel through markets and farmhouses, they con hearty lunches from old peasants and get into scrapes with priceless collectibles. The book is filled with eccentric characters and unlikely adventures, this is a hilarious romp through the real rural France. The son of Serge Bastarde is about John’s unscrupulous yet affable partner in crime, Serge Bastarde, marries and moves to Martinique. But, like a bad penny, Serge returns, his personal life in ruins. What follows is a chaotic adventure which sees John being coerced into striking deals with the Romanian ‘mafia¡’, re-roofing a huge Basque house and getting trapped in a skip in the dead of night, while Serge rides an emotional roller coaster. Serge may be as fake as some of his antiques but, with John’s help, he eventually strikes gold in this laugh-out-loud romp. It makes me wonder if there are any other good funny books out there. I wouldn’t mind knowing. What are the funniest books? Well I love the Diary Of A Wimpy Kid series. So funny. Captain Underpants. George and Harold hypnotize their headteacher and accidentally create the greatest superhero in the history of their school — Captain Underpants! His real identity is so super secret that even HE doesn’t know who he is… but he’s fighting for truth, justice, and all things pre-shrunk and cottony!! Captain Underpants has wedgie-power on his side, and he’s coming your way! Super Diaper Baby is also super funny. A man is turned into a poo. I don’t know whats more funny than that? The Pirates! In an Adventure with Scientists is also a great book. It’s 1837, and the luxuriantly bearded Pirate Captain and his pirate crew, life on the high seas has gotten a little dull. They get bored and decide it’s time fort another adventure. A surprisingly successful boat raid leads them to the young Charles Darwin, in desperate need of their help. The pirates go to London in a bid to save the scientist from the evil machinations of an evil Bishop. I loved the movie. In the movie the Queen of England is in it instead of the evil bishop. Also another funny book is “The Twits” by Roald Dahl. Mr and Mrs Twit are extremely mean, so the Muggle-Wump monkeys and the Roly-Poly bird hatch a clever plan to give them just the horrifying surprise they deserve! J K Rowling’s new novel “The Casual Vacancy” is a dark comedy. I haven’t read it but I’ll be reading it soon. What are the funniest books? If anyone knows of any good humor books then I would love to know about them. Anyways, I thought as I’m writing about funny books I thought I would turn myself into a wimpy kid character. I also turned Andy Samberg into one too. Hehehehe!

funnyone - wimpy andy samberg

Holy Neptune!

Hello Funny One here. Today’s planet is Neptune. It’s named after the Roman god of the sea. The picture is of me as a mermaid. It would be so cool to be a mermaid. Ok, back to the planet. It’s the eighth planet from the Sun in our solar system. It has 13 moons, Naiad, Thalassa, Despina, Galatea, Larisaa, Proteus, Triton, Nereid, Halimede, Sao, Laomedeia, Psamathe and Neso. It’s a gas planet so it doesn’t have a hard surface.

I’ve drawn another “Funny One Cartoon” today. I’m trying a boat instead on a plane. “Funny One Goes boating”

#2 Funny One Goes Boating

I’m Your Venus – I’m Your Fire!

Hello, It’s the Funny One here. I’m doing the planets now but I’ll also be doing some random stuff on my blog (not everyday will be the same idea). Today’s picture is of Venus. I’m running away from the lightning. On June 5th, Venus passed directly between the Earth and the sun, and was seen as a small dot gliding slowly across the face of the sun. Historically, this rare alignment is how they measured the size of our solar system. I never saw that. You never see anything cool like that in Scotland. Anyways, because Venus and the Earth are almost the same size, you would actually weigh almost exact same on either planet. If you weighed 70 pounds (32 kg) on Earth, then you would weigh 63 pounds (29 kg ) on Venus. Venus is actually a dim world of very intense heat and volcanic activity. It’s very similar in structure and size to Earth. Venus’ thick, toxic atmosphere traps heat in a runaway “greenhouse effect.” The scorched planet has temperatures hot enough to melt even lead. The surface of Venus is a dry landscape with slab-like rocks and periodically refreshed by volcanism.

Froot Loops and Rain Drops

Hello, Funny One back here. Today I started the day with some Froot Loops. They don’t sell them in Britain – it’s a limited edition thing over here. They’re so great! Ok, so I said I was watching a Woody Allen movie last night, it was Sleeper. It was really funny. I really like watching the movies with both Woody Allen and Diane Keaton in them as they’re so funny together. It was a very random movie. It was super funny when Woody was trying to fly with a cheap Japanese flying machine, it would barely get him off the ground. Diane was funny when she was singing. I also loved it when Woody was trying to steal the oversized fruit and vegetables. Anyways, today I went out to the local shops. Very boring. It rained (like most days, though.) It’s so depressing here. Not a good place to do comedy. The people were weird, too. They like to make rude comments about the way I dress, just because I was wearing blue wellies. There’s nothing weird about that, is there? It was raining. Had pizza for lunch but unfortunately half of it fell on the floor. After lunch, I drew another funny picture and watched some TV. Can’t be on too long as I’m having dinner soon. It’s kipper kedgeree.
